
Monday 21 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21-10-2019: Trafalgar

21st October, 2019.

Did I mention I watch movies, occasionally?

I watch movies, occasionally!

The reason I mention it?

Is simply that I watched one last night: the latest Stephen King adaption, It: Chapter Two.

I’m not necessarily stunned, I should add: as I think the review, and video, makes clear.

But … ?

I have to admit, I had the post finished, and was in bed, but one in the morning.

Knackered is possibly not the word!


I’m assuming a lot of my readers are in the UK, US and Spain.

Although, according to some of the analytics I’ve seen, I’ve got one hundred and ninety-six readers in Russia.

They’re possibly to disrupt the US elections.   Or Brexit … or something … 

At ANY rate … ?

I’m betting you, like me, have had the odd (fraudulent) phone call where the caller claims to be from Microsoft, or a Microsoft sanctioned company, and that their records show your machine’s causing issues.

They talk you into all sorts of behaviour to scam you out of money … or take remote control of your machine.

Commonly?   A lot of these are in India.

And the report I’ve just heard, this morning?

Tells me the a few of these call centres have now been closed by Indian police: working with the City of London police, and Microsoft.


I’m glad to hear it.

That won’t stop all of them, or prevent more starting.

But at least takes some sort of action.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 21st October was the date of Battle of Trafalgar.   In which year?
Q2) The Battle was part of the War of the Third … what?
Q3) Britain’s Royal Navy were on one side.   Their opponents were from Spain … and which other country?
Q4) The Battle was off the coast of Spain: off the coast of Cape … where?
Q5) The Royal Navy’s opponents were led by Admiral … who?
Q6) That’s admiral’s flagship was called … what?
Q7) Captain Thomas Hardy commanded the British flagship.   What was its name?
Q8) Which admiral was in charge of the British fleet: and based on Captain Hardy’s ship?
Q9) The British fleet was made up of how many ships of the line?   (Ships of the line: which isn’t the same as the total number of ships.)
Q10) Finally … ?   Trafalgar Square is named for the Battle of Trafalgar: and comes complete with a monument to the Fleet’s leader.   What’s that monument called?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The Sydney Opera House was formally opened: on 20th October of which year?
A1) 1973.
Q2) Who formally opened it: the Queen, the Australian PM or Sir Ian McKellen?
A2) The Queen.
Q3) The first singer to perform at the Opera House, performed in 1960: whilst it was being built.   Who was that singer?
Q4) The Sydney Symphony Orchestra plays in which of the Opera House’s venues?
A4) The 2679-seat Concert Hall.
Q5) Finally … ?   The Opera House is in Sydney.   City and Opera House are in which Australian state?
Here’s an anecdote …
“His Lordship came to me on the poop, and after ordering certain signals to be made, about a  quarter to noon, he said. ‘Mr. Pasco, I wish to say to the fleet, ENGLAND CONFIDES THAT EVERY MAN WILL DO HIS DUTY’.”
Flag Lieutenant John Pasco, recording orders given to him by the Admiral commanding the UK fleet.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Glad to hear it, Anne!   😃   Oh, did I mention I’ve seen It: Chapter Two?   I think the first one was better!

†        Monkeys couldn’t make it any worse, Olga: it’s possibly why that Banksy piece has done so well!   As for podcasts … ?   Actually, I think Debbi’s you’re women, she’s been doing her Crime Cafe ’cast for a while.   (She does t-shirts, Olga: I’m going to have to think about that one!)

‡       That’s a strange take on the Scottish play, Debbi!   And wow!   Nice to here about the Cambridge chap … !   Is he at the University?   Could be he’s also researching, as well … !   Oh, Kidulthood’s on the UK iTunes Store: I don’t know about the US one.   Remember asking about British English slang?   Kidulthood’s in fairly hefty Multicultural London English … 


  1. Q1) 1805
    Q2) Coalition
    Q3) France
    Q4) Trafalgar
    Q5) Villeneuve (let’s blame the French)
    Q6) Bucentaure
    Q7) HMS Victory
    Q8) Lord Nelson
    Q9) 27
    Q10) Nelson’s Column
    Thanks for the suggestion. I've been wondering about perhaps organising a reading club/book club in English, here, as well, so I need to work out what to do first (I fancy doing something where I'm actually interacting with people live, although perhaps there could be a way of recording that... I have to mull it over).

  2. 1805,War of the Third Coalition,France, Cape Trafalgar, Horatio, Lord Nelson, HMS Victory,Victory,Horatio Nelson,Twenty-seven,Nelson's Columna
    I haven't seen It chapter 2 yet, watched Colin Baker episodes this weekend Attack of the Cyber men very interesting documentries after. Also An Adventure in Space and Time loved watching whole that DVd plus extras

  3. It is a unique take on the Scottish Play. :)

    1. 1805
    2. Coalition
    3. France
    4. Trafalgar
    5. Admiral Lord Nelson
    6. HMS Victory
    7. HMS Victory
    8. Admiral Lord Nelson
    9. 27
    10. Nelson's Column


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