
Friday 25 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-10-2019: Nevada Day

25th October, 2019.

Right … I’m assuming you’ve been following the issues I’ve been having with my boiler?


The heating works.   But the hot water it generates is … lukewarm … at best.

The original engineer was out like week?

Offered a work around … 

But no actual repair, as he felt it was to old to be fixed.

So … I managed to arrange a visit from a more senior engineer: for yesterday afternoon.

He didn’t turn up.

Basically?   He’d had a few jobs in my street, in the morning, and gave me a phone call to see if he could look in early.

And told me he’d be back, once he found out that I was in Sainbury’s.

Then got the office to phone me, to re-book the visit for today, as his jobs in Chelmsford over-ran.

He’s turning up, this afternoon.

Which is good.

It means I can get something done about the boiler.

And he won’t trip over the electrician who’s due to fix my bathroom light … 

About the only downside?

I’ll be stuck indoors all day …


While we’re at it … ?

Have you heard of Tor?   The web browser that gives you one hell of a lot of privacy online, by routing you through an encrypted network of computers?

Granted, it has it’s iffy uses: not least accessing the deep web, and the dark web.

But some companies like to have a onion address — one only accessible through Tor — as it means users in repressive countries can access them.

It turns out one of those companies?   Is the BBC.

They’ve just released an onion address for their news site.

This one, in fact.

Don’t open in a normal browser.   You won’t get far …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 25th October, 2019, is Nevada Day.   It’s usually observed on the last what of each year?
Q2) There’s a parade on Nevada Day, in Nevada’s capital.   What’s the capital of Nevada?
Q3) What’s Nevada’s largest city?
Q4) Nevada’s also known as the what state?
Q5) Finally … the state shares its name with a what: chicken, mountain range or ocean?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 24th October is World Polio Day.   What’s polio’s full name?
Q2) It’s also known as infantile … what?
Q3) The disease affects what: the muscles, the nervous system or the brain?
A3) The nervous system.
Q4) When was Europe declared Polio free: 2002, 2003 or 2004?
A4) 2002.
Q5) Finally … ?   The date for World Polio Day was chosen: to honour the doctor who developed the vaccine for polio.   Who was that doctor?
A5) Dr Jonas Salk.
Here’s a motto …
“All for Our Country”
Nevada state motto.
And an anthem …

The twang really IS the thang … !


Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It’s always the way, isn’t Anne?   The better we feel, I think, the better we do.   At ANY rate?   I hope your landlords get their bums in gear!   (Oh, I caught Max Headroom: 20 Minutes Into the Future, last night!   Wow!)

†        Oh, heck, sounds like the weather’s getting nasty, Olga: I did see something going past on the news, and thought of you!   (The Beeb’s news pages are now on Tor.   Ho-hum!)   Yes … voice technology … is wonderful.   I find Siri help in spelling words: but, boy, it mangles my accent … !   (Oh, did I mention I saw Max Headroom: 20 Minutes Into the Future?)

‡        Year, it’s been around a while, Debbi!   Oh … did I mention I saw the original Max Headroom: 20 Minutes Into the Future TV play, last night?   It’s fascinating to watch: and a bit more noir than you’d think!   (It’s on YouTube: you may need Tor to watch it, though.)


  1. I saw your other post but have to leave now and I'm not sure when I'll be back (a friend is coming and we are going to visit another friend who is in hospital, so it might take most of the day). Good luck with the boiler and catch up tomorrow...

  2. Friday in October, Carson City,Las Vegas,Silver State& also Battle Born State, mountain range
    They fixed what they were paid to do by the landlord said if I wasnt more repairs done, he needs to pay up first.
    I think this year has took its toll on me. Yes I made fresh account, I mean Im upset as I built that one up over few years. I was getting far to many strange inboxs, even though I blocked which fine common sense thing to do, it felt similar one came back. Making new account felt right as I am feeling stressed with alot things (house) lol
    Ive heard of Tor many many years ago, I used to know people who used it to get traffic as at the time it bounced and didnt give a direct IP address, appeared to come from random places,so google couldnt log where traffic came from total privacy and from one computer. However I think police have cracked down alot on it for like everything people use it for wrong purpose, erm Duck and go gives privacy to my knowledge also

  3. I'll see if I can access it, when I get a chance. :) Getting ready for this book signing is ... taking more time than one might imagine!

    1. Friday
    2. Carson City
    3. Las Vegas
    4. The Silver State
    5. mountain range

    Part Three of the Fractured Macbeth is up. I think. :)


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