
Thursday 31 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31-10-2019: Halloween.

31st October, 2019.

Yes: I’ve finally had my boiler  … looked at!

As you may or may not know?

My boiler’s having issues: giving out lukewarm water, rather than hot water.

According to the engineer who turned up, yesterday?

One main issue?   Is simply that what he called the back plate is — much like an old kettle — covered in limescale.

Which is what’s causing the problem, apparently.

The engineer’s told me he’d be recommending both repair or replacement: whatever was more economic.

And that I’d have to give my landlord’s a call, to finalise that.

Hmmm … 

I thinking one thing is certain.

This is going to take a while … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Anne* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Anne on four out of five, and Debbi on five.

The day also saw Olga‡ letting us know about her day.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s spooky questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 31st October is Halloween.   In other words, it’s All Hallow’s … what?
Q2) It’s the first day of which three day celebration?
Q3) The Royal Mail’s issued a stamp, this year: that celebrates the Halloween parade in which Northern Irish city?
Q4) The old Celtic name for the Halloween period — Samhain — is from where: Ireland, Jersey or the Isle of Wight?
Q5) The 1786 poem, Halloween, was written by which Scot?
Q6) Cutty Sark appeared in another spooky work by the same Scot.   What’s it called?
Q7) 31st October is a 2015 Indian film.   Is it a horror film?
Q8) Le Manoir du diableThe House of The Devil — is one of the earliest horror films made.   Who directed it?
Q9) The Castle of Otranto is one of the earliest horror novels: and arguably the first horror novels.   Who wrote The Castle of Otranto?
Q10) Finally … ?   The Rats in the Walls, The Shadow over Innsmouth and The Case of Charles Dexter Ward are stories by whom?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Christopher Wren was born on 30th October of which year?
A1) 1632.
Q2) After the Great Fire of London, Wren’s said to have built how many London Churches: 51, 52 or 53?
A2) 52: including Saint Paul’s.
Q3) Which cathedral is the best known of those churches?
Q4) Wren’s credited with what’s now the Royal Naval College in Greenwich.   What was it, when Wren designed it: a hospital, an army base or a cheese factory?
A4) A hospital.
Q5) Finally … ?   Wren was a founding member of what: Jesus College Cambridge, the Royal Society or the Académie française?
A5) The Royal Society.
Here’s a thought …
“Where there is no imagination there is no horror.”
Arthur Conan Doyle.
And a themed playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It’s funny you should mention that, Anne^ … !   There’s the intro, for a start … !   I’m going to have to try and find yours.   Oh, have you changed your screen name again?   I’m having issues!   (I might just have to raid my movie collection, tonight …)

†        OK … ?   There’s scenes from The Rocky Horror Picture Show floating around, Debbi^!   :D

‡        Oh, I’ve done that, Olga^: you have my sympathies!   We’ll catch you later, I hope!

^        Am I the only person thinking that Pink Floyd song is a bit … you know … creepy?


  1. Q1) Eve
    Q2) Allhallowtide, Hallowtide, Allsaintstide, or the Hallowmas season (All Saints Eve, All Saints Day and All Souls Day).
    Q3) Londonderry
    Q4) Ireland
    Q5) Robert Burns
    Q6) Tam o’ Shanter
    Q7) No, it’s a historical drama (well, recent history, about the aftermath of Indira Gandhi’s assassination).
    Q8) Georges Méliès
    Q9) Horace Walpole
    Q10) H.P. Lovecraft
    The heating saga continues... I hope it comes to a good end. I survived to take part in another quiz.

  2. eve, Allhallowtide,Galway, Ireland, Robert Burns, Tam o' Shanter,no historical action drama, Georges Méliès, Horace Walpole. H. P. Lovecraft. My intital @ ID is the same just profile name. I regenerated into another morbid profile. I watched Space Museum last night, loved it, the extra has small documentary with William Hartnell granddaughter, giving an interview

  3. Always fun to do the Time Warp! :)

    1. Eve
    2. Allhallowtide
    3. Derry
    4. Ireland
    5. Robert Burns
    6. Tam o' Shanter
    7. no
    8. Georges Méliès
    9. Horace Walpole
    10. H.P. Lovecraft


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