
Tuesday 8 October 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8-10-2019: Opium Wars

8th October, 2019/

Right … 

If you have a look at that screenshot?

You’ll notice there’s those oh so conspicuous red dots: on the App Store and Systems Preferences icons.

Yep: you’re right.

The update to macOS Catalina is now available: along side a few from relevant updates open the App Store.

There’s big changes, coming.

Including the replacement of the iTunes app.

I know it’s a bit bloated, but that’s a worrying one.

At any rate … ?

It looks like there’s big changes coming: including the change from 32-bit to all 64-bit*.

I’m probably going to do that update, later.

Once I’ve had a chance to do back-ups, and delete older apps.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf†, Olga‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 8th October saw the outbreak of the Second Opium War.   After the seizing of a cargo ship called … what?
Q2) The war started on 8th October of which year?
Q3) The war was between the UK … and which Asian nation?
Q4) Which European nation were allied to Britain, during the War?
Q5) The war was ended by the Convention of Beijing: also called the Convention of Peking.   It legalised which trade?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 7th October, 1959, saw three people trapped: as a fire burned on which pier?
Q2) 7th October, 1912, saw the first transactions took place in which city’s stock exchange?
Q3) The German Democratic Republic was founded: on 7th October, 1949.   Was that East or West Germany?
Q4) 7th October is the feast day of Saint Justina of Padua.   She’s occasionally portrayed with which horse like creature?
A4) A unicorn.
Q5) Finally … ?   7th October, 2001, saw the US start its invasion of where?
Here’s a thought …
“Now, to begin at the beginning, it appears that on the 8th of October last, a vessel called a lorcha - which is a name derived from the Portuguese settlement at Macao, on the mouth of the Canton River, opposite to that where Hong Kong lies, and which merely means that it is built after the European model, not that it is built in Europe - was boarded in the Canton River by Chinese officers.”
From the speech about the War given to the House of Commons about the War, by Richard Cobden, MP.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        As far as I understand it?   The old 8-bit processors in computers I grew up with — like the ZX Spectrum — could handle instructions one letter at a time.   The 16-bit ones that replaced them, two letters at a time.   32 bit machines?   Would handle instructions, four letters at a time.   With 64-bit machines like the iMac I’m working on?   It’s eight letters at a time.   Bear in mind, that’s a very imperfect lay understanding.

†        Morning, Anne: how’s the day … ?

‡        You know, I keep hearing good things about The Boys, Olga: I’ll have to double check it.   Oh, do you remember mention the Prophets of Science Fiction dvd to me a while, back?   Or the The Real World of Victorian Steampunk: Steam Planes and Radiophones?   I’ve got both on order.   Alongside some socks … 

^        I know exactly where you’re coming from, Debbi!   I’ve still got Repent on my Wishlist, I know that.   Oh … I’ve also got The Stainless Steel Rat due to turn up.   You have to love an intergalactic, Esperanto speaking, crook.   (Remember mentioning 2000AD?   They serialised the Rat books, many years ago.   Which is what got me interested in the novels.)


  1. Does this help, Olga? I’m looking at that costume, and thinking the designer’s a Judge Dredd fan!

  2. Arrow.1856, China, France, the right of foreign travel
    Dayhas began not so bads so touch wood better than yesterday

  3. Q1) The Arrow
    Q2) 1856
    Q3) China
    Q4) France
    Q5) Opium trade (Everything seems to be fair game as long as it’s done in the name of a government and money (of course they always seem to go together). Goodness gracious!)
    I hope you enjoy the books. And thanks for the image. I’ll have to check The Boys out. I tend to mostly watch movies these days, but as I don’t need to catch up on tonnes and tonnes of previous series, it should be OK. Oh, and good luck with the updates…

  4. Omigosh! My reading list becomes longer every time I stop by here! Oy! :)

    1. the Arrow
    2. 1856
    3. China
    4. France
    5. the opium trade


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