
Tuesday 5 November 2019

Edge of Darkness — Episode 3: Burden of Proof. A Review

5th November, 2019.

Yes: it’s officially official … 

My knackered boiler is still knackered … 

It’s a long story.   But I’ve had at least three engineers out: to tell me the thing needs repairing or replacing … 

At least one of whom told me to contact my landlord: last Friday, a the report should have gone through by then.

As it turns out?

The phones were down for maintenance … and due back up, today … 

But were down again: due to unforeseen circumstances … 

I’m going to be busy in the morning … 

Ho … bloody … hum … !

At any rate?   It’s a quiet Tuesday night.

Which means more TV, as far as I’m concerned.


Another episode of Edge of Darkness seems just the thing … 


Episode 3 — Burden of Proof — see’s Craven’s (Bob Peck’s) Yorkshire colleagues closing in on the man they believe killed Craven’s daughter.

Ron knows otherwise.

And also knows — with help from Terry Shields (Tim McInnerny) — that Emma (Joanne Whalley) was after something called a hot cell.

What Craven doesn’t know, until he’s told … ?

Is that there’s an investigation being done by the House of Commons: into the sale of Northmoor, the wast plant his daughter raided.

And what he doesn’t know, yet?

Is that Terry Shields has been suicided …


Now … ?

Good … ?   Still good … ?


I’m three episodes in, and this show is riveting.

And belongs to Joe Don Baker!

I have a belief that Star Wars has been a big influence on TV science fiction: there always has to be gobby, Han Solo type character going the rounds.

And Darius ‘I Have A Golf Obsession’ Jedburgh?   Is the Edge of Darkness equivalent.

This episode … ?   Move the story on … 

And gives the CIA’s best know member — out side of Felix Leiter — one hell of a chance to shine!

As a question, here?

Would you be taking money on me watching another episode?

In the (assumed) words of Darius Jedburgh?


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