
Tuesday 5 November 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5-11-2019: Fireworks Night

5th November, 2019

I have to admit I had an interview, yesterday.

And was … 

Well, let’s say I had my concerns going in.

I’ve still got my concerns coming out.

The whole thing lasted about fifteen minutes: with about ten minutes devoted to walking to the coffee shop where the interview was being held.

From the restaurant that was still being built.

The interview, itself … ?

Lasted about five minutes: most of that consisted of filling in one of the simplest applications I’ve ever seen.

Oh, and being asked if I lived locally.   And if that end of the High Street was busy.

The fact the other candidates — one being interviewed when I got there, the other who arrived while I was being interviewed — both seemed to be about 15 was … 

Barely a factor … 

Do you think I’ll get the job?

Because I’m not convinced.


Now … if you’re one of my UK readers, one with pets?

You might want to keep them indoors.

The big displays may be over the weekend.

But it is fireworks night, tonight … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) In the UK, 5th November is Guy Fawkes Night.   Also known as Bonfire Night, and Fireworks night.   Many fireworks use which G as a fuel?
Q2) Alternatively, fireworks can use which F?
Q3) What green or red wire can be used with commercial fireworks?
Q4) What type of firework shares its name with the capital of Italy?
Q5) Keith Moon of the Who famously used a kind of firework to blow up hotel toilets.   What kind of fireworks?
Q6) What’s the UK name of the slow burning, hand held, firework on a stick?
Q7) Which Indian festival is celebrated with fireworks?
Q8) Which UK super market recently announced it was going to stop selling fireworks?
Q9) Fireworks is a first season episode of which NBC series?
Q10) Fireworks: Nine Profane Pieces was a short story collection by whom?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 4th November is Unity Day in Russia.   It makes the uprising against invading troops: in which year?
A1) 1612.
Q2) Uprising — and troops — were in the Russian capital.   What is the Russian capital?
A2) Moscow.
Q3) That city is Russia’s largest, by population.   What — again by population — is Russian’s second largest?
Q4) The modern version of Unity Day was instituted in 2005, by which Russia President: Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev or Boris Yeltsin?
Q5) Finally?   That first Unity Day was attended by Russia’s (then) most senior churchman, Alexy 2nd.   He was the what of Moscow and All Russia: Pope, Cardinal or Patriarch?
A5) Patriarch.
Here’s a thought …
“There should be fireworks at last, when a dream dies.”
Kirby Larson.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        As soon as I watch it, Olga, I’ll let you know.   As for the interview … ?   I think I’m on to a non starter, given the age of the other two candidates … and given that — effectively — there’s was only one job related question.   I’ll be very surprised if I get it.

†        My pleasure, Debbi, anytime!   I’ll try and add some more in later, but we’ll have to see.   Hmmm … I know you do the occasional movie review, don’t you?   I’ll have to see what I can add, as and when!


  1. Q1) Gunpowder
    Q2) Flash powder
    Q3) Not sure I am checking the right things. I would have thought a fuse, but these come in all kinds of colours, and then I saw all kinds of electrical cables to connect them to other things. I have the feeling I’m looking in the wrong place, but my head is a bit fuzzy this morning.
    Q4) Roman Candle
    Q5) Cherry bombs (at least initially)
    Q6) sparkler
    Q7) Diwali
    Q8) Sainsbury’s
    Q9) Chicago Fire
    Q10) Angela Carter
    Yes, it sounds as if you should be the adviser or run the place, really... One never knows (I once went for an interview and realised there was somebody much better qualified than me there. Well, I was qualified for the job but the other person had higher qualifications than me. They ended up offering her a higher position and I got the original job, although I thought I had no chance...) I hope this evening goes OK. I had forgotten the date!

  2. I should probably do more video movie reviews! :)

    1. gunpowder
    2. flash powder
    3. electrical
    4. Roman candles
    5. cherry bombs
    6. a sparkler
    7. Diwali
    8. Sainsbury's
    9. 30 Rock
    10. Angela Carter

    I completely forgot this is Guy Fawkes Night/Day. Whatever. :)

    And it's been 15 years since the day I had my stroke. Still alive! :)


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