
Monday 4 November 2019

Mr Robot — Series 4: Episodes 5 — 405 Method Not Allowed — A Review

4th November, 2019.

You know … I’m job hunting, at the moment.

I’ve possibly mentioned it, once or twice.

It’s got implications.

One of those?

Is that I have to have an interview, every so often.

Like the one I had, today.

Or possibly not like the one today.

The restaurant the job’s for?

Is still being finished, so the actual interview was in a local Costa Coffee.

The interview … ?   Was the shortest I think I’ve ever had.

About five minutes long: and mostly consisted of filling in the application form … and being asked if I was local and thought the high street was busy … 

Oh … 

The lad being interviewed before me, and the lad who was after me … ?

Both looked about fifteen.

You can imagine what I think about my chances … 


At any rate … ?

At any rate, it’s a night off: where worrying about an interview seemed pointless.

But settling down on an easy chair seemed the thing.

With a TV show.

With — as I’ve been following it for a few weeks, now — another episode of Mr RobotSeries 4*.

I think tonight’s episode was something of a feat … !


Episode 5 — 405 Method Not Allowed — sees Darlene (Carly Chaikin) picking up Elliot (Rami Malek) from the Dark Army surveillance van he’d burnt.

And follows the pair as they break into a cloud storage firm, Virtual Realty: in order to gain access to Cyprus National Bank’s servers.

In  the mean time?   Price (Michael Cristofer) has managed to re-arrange the Deus Group meeting he was due to make a big announcement at … as someone has vanished into the haze.

And?   Special Agent DiPierro has new orders to deal with.

Investigate the burnt out van … and investigate Darlene and Elliot’s escape.

Things are getting hairy, aren’t they … ?


Now … 

I have to wonder, sometimes, why Edge of Darkness has managed to grab me.

Partly, I think, it’s the show’s finely done pacing.

It crossed my mind that Mr Robot had maybe slowed, over the course of series three.

They’s got it wrong, to an extent.

However, Mr Robot’s fourth series has started to pick up.

Including very noir narration from Christian Slater, a touch more action … 

Considerably more action in 405 Method Not Allowed: as Darlene and Elliot con a security guard out of this thumbprint, then sneak into the building he’s guarding, to use the company’s 3-d printers to make a cast of the print … in order to use that thumb print to get into the server room.

Using that server room to set up an admit account to gain remote access, later on.

All that, against a clock!

This episode’s a very hi-tech heist movie … !

A very hi-tech heist movie down in near complete silence, with maybe ten words spoken, at the most.


And being perfectly blunt … ?

You really do have to see this episode.

It’s an almost perfect heist movie in the shape of a TV show!

*        Rather than the next episode of Edge of Darkness you might have expected …

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