
Monday 18 November 2019

Mr Robot — Series 4: Episodes 7 — 407 Proxy Authentication Required — A review

18th November, 2019.

Right … I’ve had an interview, today.

Which you’d know about: if you’d read this morning’s Teaser.

To be frank?

It seemed to go well.   Although, looking back, I think that — during the role-play section — I could have mentioned extended warranties, rather than the case I did mention … 

If that makes sense … ?

At any rate … ?

It’s a Monday night.

And I fancied some TV.

You, you’ve guessed it … 

Episode 7 of Mr RobotSeries 4.


Episode 7 — 407 Proxy Authentication Required — is organised into five acts.

Act One: Vera (Elliot Villar) ties Elliot (Rami Malek) to a chair and offers him a position by his side in taking over New York.

Act Two: Vera offers to free Elliot’s therapist, Krista (Grace Reuben): if Vera is introduced to Mr Robot (Christian Slater)

Act Three: Elliot attempts to shoot his way out of being a hostage: only to fail, as Vera’s men have emptied his gun.   Vera then threatens Krista, until Mr Robot intervenes

Act Four: Vera sits Krista and Elliot opposite each other and forces them to talk.   Elliot’s memory catches up to him, reminding Elliot that his father had abused him as a child: and that his blackout’s had started as a mental shield.

Act Five: Vera attempts to console Elliot, revealing his own past with sexual abuse from friends of his mother.   Krista, having broken free, stabs Vera in the back.


With thanks, there to Wikipedia: my summary is, in fact, a potted summary of their descriptions of tonight’s episode.

At any rate … ?

Did I enjoy this episode?

Yes I did.

OK, granted: the big reveal — Elliot was abused as a child, by his father — wasn’t that surprising.

The ‘Fall from the window’ incident has been floating around for a while: as has the idea that dissociative identity disorder — split personality —is caused by childhood trauma.

I don’t know about you?   But I came across it in Julian May’s Galactic Milieu trilogy.

So … it’s not surprising.

What IS?

Is simply this.

407 Proxy Authentication Required is possibly one of the best episodes of Mr Robot, going: and that’s in a fourth series that includes 405 Method Not Allowed.

Mr Robot’s had it’s ups and downs, but, in all honesty?

407 Proxy Authentication Required is definitely an up!

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