
Monday 18 November 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-11-2019: Morocco.

18th November, 2019.

Right … 

I now have an official interview … for a job … !

I’m … 

Mildly nervous, to be brutally honest.

And having the usual problem: the sneaky little voice at the back of my brain telling me there’s no point in going, as I won’t get the job.

Quite I how I deal with that, I don’t know.


Are you in the UK, as a thought … ?

JUST as a reminder, I’ve had my poll card through.

Which means I’m managed to guarantee that I can vote.

And found out my polling station is still where it was.

But, just in case you DIDN’T realise … ?

You have until the 26th November — next Tuesday — to register to vote.

Where you go in person, I don’t know.

This link tells you how to vote by post.

This is the link to do so, on line.

Please think about registering: I think this election’s going to be important.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, and Debbi† putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 18th November is Independence Day in Morocco.   It marks the country’s Independence from two countries.   Name one of those countries.
Q2) What’s Morocco’s capital city?
Q3) Morocco’s largest city shares its name with a well known Humphrey Bogart film.   Which Humphrey Bogart film?
Q4) Morocco is a what: monarchy, republic or stratocracy?
Q5) Morocco has two official languages.   One is Arabic.   What’s the other?
Q6) What’s the official religion in Morocco: Sunni Islam, Shia Islam or Sufi Islam?
Q7) According to mitochondrial DNA studies, Morocco’s Berbers are related to the Sámi people.   Where are the Sámi from: Europe, Africa or Asia?
Q8) Morocco is where: North Africa, South America or East Europe?
Q9) Bitaqat Hub, by Samira Said, was Morocco’s entry in the 1980 … what?
Q10) Finally … ?   A Tajine is a traditional Moroccan what: water pipe, fork or cooking pot?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 17th November saw the birth of Martin Scorsese.   In which year?
A1) 1942.
Q2) In which Scorsese film, does Scorsese play a taxi passenger?
A2) Taxi Driver.   (Robert De Niro is also in Taxi Driver, as is Jodie Foster.)
Q3) Which Scorsese film saw Jerry Lewis playing Jerry Langford?
Q4) That film — the one in question three — was cited as an influence on a 2019 film Scorsese had been due to produce: but pulled out of.   Which 2019 film?
A4) Joker.
Q5) Joe Pesci plays Tommy deVito, in which Martin Scorsese film?
A5) Goodfellas.   (“What do you mean funny? Funny how? How am I funny?”)
Q6) 1988’s The Last Temptation of Christ saw Harvey Keitel play who?
Q7) No Direction Home: Bob Dylan, The Last Waltz and The 50 Year Argument are all Scorsese directed what?
Q8) Scorsese’s directed two music videos.   Bad, by Michael Jackson … and a song by Robbie Robertson.   Which song?
A8) Somewhere Down the Crazy River.   (Why DO you always end up at Nick’s café?)
Q9) Scorsese made Shutter Island, Gangs of New York and The Aviator, with which leading actor: Johnny Depp, Gene Wilder or Leonardo DiCaprio?
Q10) Finally … ?   Scorsese is due to release Killers of the Flower Moon at some point.   The film’s about the killing of members of the Osage tribe: when what was discovered on their land?
A10) Oil.
Here’s a thought …
“In Morocco, before you even get to the matter of the sale, you have to coax the owner to sell.”
Tahir Shah.
A song …

And an advert for the El Morocco Tea Rooms …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It’s a fantastic film, Olga: I saw it, myself, a couple of years ago.   It’s  a fantastic one to watch.   Oh, and got three stars from me.   As for the interview?   Thanks for the thought: I’m nervous, I know that … here’s hoping!   Now … about Robbie Robertson … 

†        My pleasure, Debbi, any time!   It only seems fair, the amount of time you’ve put in.   Oh, guess what showed up when I opened Youtube, today … 


  1. Q1) France and Spain
    Q2) Rabat
    Q3) Casablanca
    Q4) Monarchy
    Q5) Berber
    Q6) Sunni Islam
    Q7) Europe
    Q8) North Africa
    Q9) Eurovision
    Q10) cooking pot
    Good luck! I think most of us feel the same when going for a job interview, no matter how qualified we might be for the job (or not). The only times I've enjoyed an interview was a couple of times when I had been offered other jobs already, and I knew whatever happened it didn't much matter (or I had no job but didn't care anyway).

  2. Ah, progress! Google/YouTube notice me now! :)

    1. France
    2. Rabat
    3. Casablanca
    4. monarchy
    5. Berber
    6. Sunni Islam
    7. Europe
    8. North America
    9. Eurovision Song Contest
    10. cooking pot


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