
Sunday 17 November 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-11-2019: Scorsese

17th November, 2019.

Yes: I think Arrggghhhggghghghghhghghghgh is possibly the word!

I have — wait for it — an earworm.

Yep: Divine’s doing this thing, in my head … 

Again … !


I really don’t know!


Just as a quick thought for the technology fans, out there?

I’ve recently read a recent article on the BBC’s technology pages: about the Raspberry Pi.

It’s fascinating to see how well the small-form-factor computer has done.

Especially when you realise the thing’s the third most popular computer, by sales, on the planet … 

Next to the PC, and the Mac.

That’s one up for the UK … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 17th November saw the birth of Martin Scorsese.   In which year?
Q2) In which Scorsese film, does Scorsese play a taxi passenger*?
Q3) Which Scorsese film saw Jerry Lewis playing Jerry Langford?
Q4) That film — the one in question three — was cited as an influence on a 2019 film Scorsese had been due to produce: but pulled out of.   Which 2019 film?
Q5) Joe Pesci plays Tommy deVito, in which Martin Scorsese film?
Q6) 1988’s The Last Temptation of Christ saw Harvey Keitel play who?
Q7) No Direction Home: Bob Dylan, The Last Waltz and The 50 Year Argument are all Scorsese directed what?
Q8) Scorsese’s directed two music videos.   Bad, by Michael Jackson … and a song by Robbie Robertson.   Which song?
Q9) Scorsese made Shutter Island, Gangs of New York and The Aviator, with which leading actor: Johnny Depp, Gene Wilder or Leonardo DiCaprio?
Q10) Finally … ?   Scorsese is due to release Killers of the Flower Moon at some point.   The film’s about the killing of members of the Osage tribe: when what was discovered on their land?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 16th November 1979, saw Professor Anthony Blunt revealed as a spy: by whom?
Q2) Blunt was known as the fourth … what?
A2) The fourth man.   (The earliest use of the term I can find on Wikipedia: it’s the title of an Agatha Christie short story.)
Q3) Blunt was part of a group of spies: who were spying for which country?
A3) The Soviet Union.
Q4) The group had met whilst where: Oxford, Cambridge or Saint Andrews?
A4) Cambridge.
Q5) Finally?   Name one of the other members of the spy ring Blunt was part of.
Here’s a thought …
“I don’t think there is any difference between fantasy and reality in the way these should be approached in a film. Of course if you live that way you are clinically insane.”
Martin Scorsese.
And a song used in Scorsese’s George Harrison documentary … …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Youthful, moi?   Cheers, Olga‡ª!   😀   As for the heating?   I think I’m going to have to have quiet words: either with the landlords, and with the contractors.   I’ll give the engineer this, though: he’s told me he’ll be reporting the boiler as needing replacing … again … !   Oh, and subscribed to my YouTube channel.   Hell of a way to build an audience.   Have fun on the phones!   (Blast, I forgot to put the year in … !)

†        Now that’s something to hear, Debbi^ª: and not too bad a go.   I can see where’s you’re going.   😀   I might just have to add you as a card … !   Sorry, sorry, I’m getting obsessed with those!   As for bollocks?   Apparently, it’s ALSO a term for a priest or vicar.   If I can refer my honourable colleague to the Sex Pistols Obscenity case … ?

‡        As for Dr Sleep, Olga?   I’m not sure if they’ve recreated the Overlook digitally or with very good set building: But I know there’s a couple of Star Trek episodes where they’ve done something similar, digitally.

^        Sorry about the amount of questions, today, Debbi: but I couldn’t resist it, given the subject … 

ª        As we’ve all seen The Third Man … ?


  1. Q1) 1942
    Q2) Taxi Driver
    Q3) The King of Comedy
    Q4) Joker
    Q5) Goodfellas
    Q6) Judas Iscariot
    Q7) Documentary films
    Q8) Somewhere Down the Crazy River (I like the title but can’t remember the video or the song)
    Q9) Leonardo DiCaprio
    Q10) Oil deposits
    Keep us posted on the heating and the job front. I've watched the Third Man not very long ago. It gets better and better.

  2. Great movie, The Third Man! :)

    1. 1942
    2. Taxi Driver
    3. The King of Comedy
    4. Joker
    5. Goodfellas
    6. Judas
    7. documentaries
    8. No Direction Home
    9. Leonardo DiCaprio
    10. oil

    Thanks for including me on your cards! Wow! :)


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