
Friday 1 November 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-11-2019: All Saint’s Day

1st November, 2019.

Yes: it’s official.

I’ve not had a lot of sleep.


Watching a late night movie like Midsommar can do that to a body.

That’s an interesting movie, as a thought.

At ANY rate … ?

I’ve got to remember to phone my landlords: just to find out what’s happening with the boiler.


Oh, just as another point … ?

It looks like I have an interview on Monday: at a soon to open local restaurant.

Whether I’ll land up with the job, I don’t know.

It’s not something I’ve done before … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Badwolf†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 1st November is All Saint’s Day.   It’s also called All Hallows Day, Hallowmas, the Feast of All Days: or the what of All Saints?
Q2) The Day’s known as La Toussaint: in parts of the world that speak what?
Q3) In parts of Germany and Austria, it’s a tradition to give your god children a Allerheiligenstriezel.   What IS a Allerheiligenstriezel: a toy, a cake or a pie?
Q4) In the UK, there’s currently an All Saints Catholic School, where: Dagenham or West Wickham?
Q5) Finally … ?   Who released a 2001 album called All Saints?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 31st October is Halloween.   In other words, it’s All Hallow’s … what?
A1) Eve.
Q2) It’s the first day of which three day celebration?
A2) Allhallowtide: also know as Hallowtide, Allsaintstide or the Hallowmas season.
Q3) The Royal Mail’s issued a stamp, this year: that celebrates the Halloween parade in which Northern Irish city?
A3) Derry: also called Londonderry.
Q4) The old Celtic name for the Halloween period — Samhain — is from where: Ireland, Jersey or the Isle of Wight?
A4) Ireland.
Q5) The 1786 poem, Halloween, was written by which Scot?
A5) The Bard of Aryshire, himself, Robert Robbie Burns.
Q6) Cutty Sark appeared in another spooky work by the same Scot.   What’s it called?
Q7) 31st October is a 2015 Indian film.   Is it a horror film?
A7) No.   Its Wikipedia entry describes it as a “historical action drama.”
Q8) Le Manoir du diableThe House of The Devil — is one of the earliest horror films made.   Who directed it?
Q9) The Castle of Otranto is one of the earliest horror novels: and arguably the first horror novels.   Who wrote The Castle of Otranto?
A9) Horace Walpole.   His father was Robert Walpole: generally regarded as Britain’s first Prime Minister.   (According to this episode of The Curious Case of Rutherford and Fry, the book features a gigantic helmet.   Find your own innuendos …)
Q10) Finally … ?   The Rats in the Walls, The Shadow over Innsmouth and The Case of Charles Dexter Ward are stories by whom?
A10) H. P. Lovecraft.   (His short story, The Color Out of Space, is still unnerving.)
Here’s a thought …
“Today, the Church is celebrating her dignity as ‘Mother of the Saints, an image of the Eternal City,’ and displays her beauty as the immaculate Bride of Christ, source and model of all holiness.”
Benedict 16th.
And a song …

As it’s from All Saint’s debut LP … !

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        What can I tell you, Olga?   Apart from “It’s not as exciting as Star Wars” … ?   That’s a thought … I’ve been doing a quick Google search: for ‘El Ministerio del Tiempo series 4.’   And keep getting pages that Google, seemingly can’t translate.   Frustrating, that … 

†        Right ho: I’ll keep an eye open for you, Anne: I think I’ve found you, though.   Oh … I caught the director’s cut of Midsommar.   That’s an interesting movie, that … 

^        I have to confess, Debbi: the few times I’ve seen it live, I’ve usually gone as the Criminologist: I don’t have the future for a corset, any more … !


  1. Q1) Solemnity of All Saints
    Q2) French
    Q3) A cake, I guess (a pastry is how they describe it…)
    Q4) Dagenham
    Q5) I’m a bit confused. According to the information I have, All Saints released an album called All Saints in 1997 and in 2001 they released one called All Hits. Not sure if there are other albums by other groups or singers called All Saints but couldn’t find them…
    I’ve checked on the Ministerio del Tiempo situation. The articles I’ve read say that they’re starting filming now (well, it says November), that they have 5 scripts already and plan on filming 10 episodes, and they hope it should be ready before next summer. The rest of the articles seem to refer to this one, so that seems to be the most up-to-date information (it’s from September). I’ll keep checking.
    Good luck with the interview and with the boiler situation. Midsommar I want to watch, but I suspect is not a movie my mother would appreciate, so it will require some planning.

  2. Ah! The "no neck" guy. Blofeld. Once. :)

    1. Solemnity
    2. French
    3. a cake ?? (really, it's a bread-like pastry. See:
    4. Dagenham
    5. David Bowie

  3. Argh! Anne, I’ve had to repost this: as I managed to hit the wrong button, by mistake!

    This is from Anne: Badwolf; DEAD BY WORDS, so everyone knows!

    Solemnity of All Saints,French,yeast pastry,West Wickham, David Bowie Im going to try watch that film today Midsomer. The other day I was distracted so having day just movies


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