
Saturday 2 November 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2nd November, 2019.

2nd November, 2019.

Right … I mentioned getting an interview lined up, yesterday.

Strictly, it had been offered to me: all that was need was getting the time and venue confirmed.

That’s now been done.

It’s Monday, at twelve, in Brentwood High Street.

I’m hoping it goes well.

But … well, we’ll have to see … 


In other news?

You’re possibly aware of the boiler situation: my ageing boiler needs either repairing or replacing, as it’s not exactly heating water, very well.

I got advised by the visiting engineer that phoning my landlords, yesterday, would be a good idea: they’d’ve received his report, and would be able to discuss any decisions needed.

So … ?   I phoned them.

As I’ve already Tweeted to Anne, Debbi and Olga, my landlord’s phone system are down for maintenance until Tuesday.

As you can imagine … ?

I’m not happy … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Debbi†, and Badwolf‡ putting in their answers: with Debbi on five out five, Olga on four and Anne on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 2nd November, 2018, saw the opening of Milwaukee’s … what?
Q2) 2nd November, 1914, saw Serbia declare war on whom: Japan, the Ottoman Empire, or the UK?
Q3) 2nd November, 1795, saw the Directory take power.   Where?
Q4) 2nd November, 1922, saw the birth of Irish Hurler, Seánie Duggan.   For most of his club career, he played in which position: centre forward, centre half-back or goalkeeper?
Q5) Finally … ?   2nd November, 1899, saw the start of the Siege of where?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 1st November is All Saint’s Day.   It’s also called All Hallows Day, Hallowmas, the Feast of All Days: or the what of All Saints?
A1) The Solemnity.
Q2) The Day’s known as La Toussaint: in parts of the world that speak what?
A2) French.
Q3) In parts of Germany and Austria, it’s a tradition to give your god children a Allerheiligenstriezel.   What IS a Allerheiligenstriezel: a toy, a cake or a pie?
A3) A cake.
Q4) In the UK, there’s currently an All Saints Catholic School, where: Dagenham or West Wickham?
A4) Just in Dagenham: the one in West Wickham in 2007.
Q5) Finally … ?   Who released a 2001 album called All Saints?
A5) David Bowie.
Here’s a thought …
“Sell yourself first, if you want to sell anything.”
Burt Lancaster, 2 November, 1913 – 20 October, 1994.
And, as it’s Brian Poole’s birthday …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That is nice to know, Olga^: and thanking you for that.   It’s nice to know season four’s up and running!   It gives me something to look forward to!   There’s nothing mentioned on Netflix, as a thought!   At least, not yet!   As for Midsommar?   It’s worth a watch: but bear in mind I saw the director’s cut: it’s ten minutes shy of three hours long!   I don’t know how available the theatrical cut is: but that’s shorter, and the one that’s on the Apple TV store.   (The new TV app has removed the ability to share or copy a link to a film.   And the new Music app no longer includes a Search option.   Thanking YOU, Apple!)

†        Yep, that’s the chap, Debbi!   I’m just wondering hoe Christoph Waltz would do, jumping to the left … 

‡        It’s worth while, Anne^, it really is!   I saw the director’s cut: which is nearly three hours long!   I’ll tell you what, though: the scene at the cliff was quite something to catch!

^        I have to admit, I watched Midsommar … and kept thinking of the band, the Polyphonic Spree.


  1. Streetcar,Ottoman Empire ,France,goalkeeper,Boer I seen cut Version yesterday, very good film, need to look for the director cuts

  2. Q1) Streetcar
    Q2) The Ottoman Empire (Russia rather than Serbia, although they had taken sides with Serbia, so I imagine it amounts to the same)
    Q3) France
    Q4) goalkeeper
    Q5) Ladysmith (I had to check where the name came from, and it was named after a Spanish woman, wouldn’t you know it!)
    Good luck with the interview. One can only hope the landlords have something in place in case of an emergency, because waiting until Tuesday wouldn’t be very practical. Enjoy the weekend!

  3. Just don't let Terry Gilliam in. Or Robert de Niro! :)

    1. streetcar
    2. Turkey
    3. France
    4. goalkeeper
    5. Ladysmith

  4. Hi paul, I wont be on line for a while,, mom went home and for some reason taken very very ill. All apologies


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