
Saturday 2 November 2019

Edge of Darkness — Episode 1: Compassionate Leave. A Review

2nd November, 2019

It has to be said, there are nights where a movie would be nice.

No, really.

It would be nice to sit down, watch a film, write about it, and then go to bed.

I’d like to: but there’s times I’m really not in the mood.

Last night?   I really could not sit still with a copy of The Creature from the Black Lagoon, for example.

I just couldn’t get into it, for some reason.   I suspect staying up late to watch Midsommar, the night before, put me off my stride.


I don’t know … !

At any rate?

I wanted to watch something, tonight.

And, even though I’ve a few movies sitting in the collection?   Including a few horror films I know Old Peculiar regular, Badwolf Anne* would appreciate hearing about?

I wasn’t necessarily in a movie sort of mood.

Something I’ll have to see if I can’t remedy.

OK … I wasn’t in a movie mood … 

I was wanting to see a TV series.

Something I hadn’t necessarily watched, already.

Something that’s been a legend since it’s original screening in 1985.

You’re right … 

I’m talking about Edge of Darkness … 


Episode 1 — Compassionate Leave — opens by showing us Detective Ronald Craven (Bob Peck) of the Yorkshire police: an officer on the brink of being asked to investigate an election rigging case … 

And, once that initial meeting is done?

Taking home his daughter, Emma (Joanne Whalley) home: from a meeting of an activist group she belongs to.

They get home … 

Only for Emma to be shot: fatally … 


In the wake of that trauma?

In the wake of that trauma, Ron is understandably numb … 

Numb enough to be granted compassionate leave by his boss: Ross (John Woodvine†.)

But functional enough to clean up the family home: prompted by the imaginary voice of his daughter, telling him how to cook, what to clean … and what settings to use on the washing machine … 

And functional enough to head for London: various branches of the Met want to take over the case.

There’s another issue in London.

Ron is contacted by the mysterious Pendleton: who ISN’t with MI6 … but seems to know more than he’s letting on … 


Now … 

What did I make of this … ?

This first episode seems … a touch on the slow side: but that could well be a product of the era it was made in.

And a result of it being the first episode: and thus spending time showing introducing us to its main characters.

For all that?

For all that’s there’s a certain tautness to episode one.

Compassionate Leave is sparse, spare … and completely, utterly, watchable, riveting: with Bob Peck’s restrained performance as Craven being far more watchable than Mel Gibson’s in the 2010 movie version.


Compassionate Leave’s set up the basic premise of Edge of Darkness … and left me wanting to see more.

*        Anne, if you’re reading this … ?   You’ll have to let me know if anything in the collection catches your eye!

†        Who’s a very familiar face, to an ageing Dr Who fan: Woodvine crops up as the Marshal, in The Armageddon Factor.

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