
Sunday 3 November 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-11-2019: Oil.

3rd November, 2019.

Right … 

It’s a quite Sunday: with the possibly exception of having to wade through tons of emails: to apply for whatever jobs happen to match my experience.

I’m starting to think there’s not much going to be honest with you.

At least … going by the amount of interviews I’m getting!

Onwards and upwards, though!


There’s — sort of — an upside in today’s news.

One that leaves me making Hmmm … noises.

It seems the government has announced that — as of April, next year — the current freeze in benefit payments is to end.

The rise that that starts next year?   Will be linked to inflations, and go up some 1.7%.

Some twelve pounds or so, for me.

Assuming my calculations are correct.

I’m … 

I’m thinking that’s a nice, helpful move.


I’m also thinking that the UK’s going to have a general election on Thursday, 12th December.

I’m thinking this is good old fashioned electioneering: rather than the conviction it’s the right thing to do.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Badwolf*, Olga†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The Queen opened an oil pipeline on 3rd November: of which year of the 1970s?
Q2) Oil and pipeline came from the Forties oil field.   The field is in which sea?
Q3) The pipeline comes ashore at Grangemouth.   Grangemouth is in which country of the UK: England or Scotland?
Q4) Grangemouth also contains an oil … what?
Q5) The oil brought ashore?   Is what oil?
Q6) This type of oil is also known as which ‘P’?
Q7) Oil is also a hydro … what?
Q8) Oil can be used to make many things.   To do so, it’s separated by by fractional … what?
Q9) The pipes were operated by which company: Centrica, BP or Questerre?
Q10) Finally?   The pipeline was threatened by the Tartan … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 2nd November, 2018, saw the opening of Milwaukee’s … what?
A1) Streetcar.   (It’s known as the Milwaukee Hop.)
Q2) 2nd November, 1914, saw Serbia declare war on whom: Japan, the Ottoman Empire, or the UK?
A2) The Ottoman Empire.
Q3) 2nd November, 1795, saw the Directory take power.   Where?
A3) France.   (Although I have to say, French Directory sounds like a fashion house …)
Q4) 2nd November, 1922, saw the birth of Irish Hurler, Seánie Duggan.   For most of his club career, he played in which position: centre forward, centre half-back or goalkeeper?
Q5) Finally … ?   2nd November, 1899, saw the start of the Siege of where?
A5) Ladysmith.
Here’s a thought …
“We aren’t addicted to oil, but our cars are.”
R. James Woolsey, Jr.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That’s OK, Anne: wish her well for me!   (Oh, if you can let me know you’re renewed Twitter handle, when you’re back?   Be well, OK?   Oh, I’ve mentioned you, here, when you are back … )

†         You’re right, Olga^: Ladysmith’s Spanish!   Just shows you how much reading I do, sometimes.   As for the phones … ?   I think my landlords — they’re a social landlord, thankfully — are like the ones my call centre worked for.   Basically?   The call centre my landlords have hired will only take emergency calls, and only emergency calls, from Friday until closing time on Monday: any other callers will be asked to phone back on Tuesday.   Which is when the main phone lines will explode!

‡        Actually, Brazil would be attractive, Debbi^.   At least the climate would be nicer … !

^        I managed to catch the first episode of 1980s thriller, Edge of Darkness, last night.   It’s riveting: and very different to the film!   Very taut.


  1. Q1) 1975
    Q2) The North Sea
    Q3) Scotland
    Q4) Refinery
    Q5) North sea oil (?) I’m not sure this is the answer to the question but it is a bit vague
    Q6) petroleum
    Q7) Hydrocarbon
    Q8) distillation
    Q9) BP
    Q10) Army
    Good luck with the job hunt and the rest. Your comment about Edge of Darkness reminded me that I located an old Spanish series (Historias para no dormir. "Stories to keep you awake") by Narciso Ibáñez Serrador, a filmmaker and creator of TV programmes who adapted and wrote horror stories (well, and a TV quiz, "3,2,1" I think it was called in England), and I must watch them. Although they are very old, some of them I remember to this day. (Oh, and he used to introduce cinema programmes, like "Mis Terrores Favoritos" My favourite Horror films, which I loved and I think has a lot to do with my preference for the genre). Enjoy your quiet Sunday.

  2. At least you wouldn't have to deal with Brexit, huh? :)

    1. 1975
    2. North Sea
    3. Scotland
    4. refinery
    5. crude oil
    6. petroleum
    7. hydrocarbon
    8. distillation
    9. BP
    10. Army


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