
Friday 22 November 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-11-2019: Huxley

22nd November, 2019.


You know it.

I know it … 

We know it … 

There is stuff going on … !

On a serious note?

I noticed this piece floating past.

It seems a gay man in Russia has been involved in making a video: answering children's questions about his life.

Russia being as discriminatory as it it?

He’s now been charged … with sexual assault.

After a complaint from a Deputy Parliamentary speaker.

OK … promoting homosexuality is considered a crime in Russia.

Which I know the LGBQ+ doesn’t like.

I can’t say I blame them.

But seeing this chap charged with assault, rather than promotion?   Or discussion, as we’d possibly call it?

Seems just a little odd.   To say the least.


On a LESS serious note?

The Dr Who office has made a casting announcement.

Series 12 of Dr Who will see Sir Lenny Henry and Stephen Fry join the cast.


I’d love to see how they are used.

Saying that … ?

I can still remember them both on the edgier bits of comedy.

And remembering Alexei Sayle beat them too it: he appeared in Revelation of the Daleks, back in the day.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 22nd November, 1963, saw the death of writer, Aldous Huxley.   In which year was he born … ?
Q2) As a teenager, he was educated, where?
Q3) In The Doors of Perception, Huxley wrote about his experiences with which cactus derived drug?
Q4) Which Huxley novel was filmed as The Devils?
Q5) Finally?   Music at Night was a collection of Huxley’s what: short stories, poems or essays?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 21st November, 2011, saw the sad death of Anne McCaffrey.   Her Pern novels feature a species of what?
A1) Dragon.
Q2) Who resigned as President: on 21st November, 2017?
Q3) 21st November is the feast day of Maurus of Parentium.   Parentium — now called Poreč — is in which modern, European country?
A3) Croatia.
Q4) The La Ronde restaurant opened in Honolulu: on 21st November, 1961.   It was the first restaurant in the US that did what: revolve, undulate or float?
A4) Revolve.
Q5) 21st November, 1854, saw the birth of Cardinal Giacomo della Chiesa.   The cardinal was also Pope Benedict the what?
A5) 15th.
Here’s a thought …
“People believe in God because they’ve been conditioned to believe in God.”
Brave New World, Aldous Huxley.
And a song …

When did people start playing the saw … ?

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Thanks, Olga!   The meeting went as well as these things do: I’ve been signed up to a scheme that helps out with interview technique.   Here’s hoping that helps: some of the schemes can be … well … useless is putting it mildly!

†        Now they are what I call steep, Debbi!   Oh, that’s a thought: the big Dr Who, announcement’s tomorrow, isn’t it?   There’s talk they’ll be announce the new series start date … of 1st January, 2020 …


  1. Q1) 1894
    Q2) Eton College
    Q3) Mescaline
    Q4) The Devils of Loudun (it seems it was in part adapted from a play as well).
    Q5) Essays
    I know what you mean about some of those courses or workshops. Sucking eggs comes to mind, although sometimes they suggest something that might be useful.

  2. So much going on! I'm interested to see Stephen Fry in Doctor Who! :)

    1. 1894
    2. Eton College
    3. mescaline
    4. The Devils of Loudun
    5. essays


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