
Sunday, 24 November 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-11-2019: William Webb Ellis.

24th November, 2019

Yes: I’m actually thankful.

I’ve managed to afford two things.

First off?   I’ve managed to sign up for Apple’s Arcade service.   As they’re offering a free month.

It had to be said, the service also seems to be cheap enough, and, like the iCloud backups I used, seems to come out of the funds I’ve accrued using iTunes Gift cards.

About my only complaint?

Is some of the games need a bit of tweaking: just to make sure they can be played on the Mac, itself.

It’s not a PC!


I’ve also had a haircut.

Hopefully, in time for tomorrow’s interview.

The only problem?

Is — inevitably — it’s going to start growing, again … !


Just as a final thought … ?

The Series Twelve trailer has been released.

Here … 

Yep: there’s Cybermen.

I loved the Moffat era weaponised corpses presentation of them.

But want to see what’s the Chibnall/Whittaker era will do with them.

There’s ALSO the fact that — unless I miss my guess — Stephen Fry and Lenny Henry are in the same episode: playing M and James Bond, respectively.

We’ll have to see.


Oh, JUST as a final thought for those of us in the UK?

We’ve got until 26th November, 2019, to register our vote in the election open the 12th December.

If you haven’t yet?

You might want to get a move on … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 24th November, 1806, saw the birth of William Webb Ellis.  He’s credited with inventing what: hockey, rugby or rounders?
Q2) The William Webb Ellis cup has recently been awarded to which country’s team?
Q3) He invented the game whilst at which public school?
Q4) He invented the game after doing what with the ball?
Q5) Finally … ?   During his adult life, William Webb Ellis was a what: lecturer, clergyman or MP?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 23rd November, 1963, saw the broadcast of the first episode of Dr Who.   What was the name of that first episode?   (Episode!)
A1) An Unearthly Child.   (An Unearthly Child was ALSO the name of the first sseriel: which consisted of four individually title episodes: An Unearthly Child, The Cave of Skulls, The Forest of Fears and The Firemaker.)
Q2) William Hartnell, Richard Hurndall and David Bradley have all played which version of the Doctor?
A2) The First.
Q3) Name any one of the original Doctor’s companions.   (Companions: I want the characters names, not the actors!)
A3) Ian (William Russell), Barbara Jacqueline Hill and Susan (Carole Ann Ford), the Doctor’s Granddaughter.
Q4) The current Doctor — Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth — has three companions.   Name any one of them.   (Again, I want the characters, rather than the actors.)
A4) Graham (Bradley Walsh), Ryan (Toisin Cole) and Yas (or Yasmin: Mandip Gill).
Q5) Finally … ?   Thirteenth Doctor, Jodie Whittaker, has done a version of Greek tragedy, Antigone: with which other Doctor?
A5) The Ninth Doctor, himself: Christoper Ecclestone.
Here’s a thought …
“During the seven years he attended the school William was successful both at sports and academically.”
From William Webb Ellis - Myth or history? on digital
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yeah: they used to title the episodes individually, Olga, for the first three years or so: and tended to name the story after the opening episode.   It’s why why the original Dalek story was known as The Dead Planet for years, rather than The Daleks!   As for the benefits situation?   Well, I’m keeping my fingers, legs, and eyes crossed!

†        Oh, I don’t know, Debbi: he did a rather interesting novel called Making History, a few years ago.   Did you manage to catch the trailer, out of interest?   Cybermen … !


  1. Q1) Rugby
    Q2) South Africa
    Q3) Rugby School
    Q4) Picking up the ball and running with it at a school football match
    Q5) A clergyman
    As I favour short hair as well, I've also wondered about finding a way of keeping it from growing too fast... People only seem interested in the opposite. I dare to trim the fringe myself, but it's impossible to do a good job everywhere else. (It should not be that difficult to get a haircutting contraption of some sort where you could programme the sort of look you want, if it's not very complicated. A hairdressing or barber robot? The problem might be the conversation...)

  2. I know. Exciting! :)

    Just please, please, please ... make a decent script. (Please.)

    1. rugby
    2. South Africa
    3. Rugby School
    4. ran with it
    5. clergyman


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