
Wednesday 27 November 2019

Nik Nak‘s Daily Teaser — 27th November, 2019.

27th November, 2019.

Yes: I’m officially of to the dentist, today, to get my teeth cleaned.

It’s not something I’ve seen mentioned in anyone’s election manifesto, this year.

But?   If you’re receiving Universal Credit in the UK, you can get a certain amount of dental treatment for free.

Including hygienist appointments: so long as you use a trainee … 

I’m not complaining.

Even if I do end up getting strapped to a chair, it’s an afternoon out.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw David*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and David on seven.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 27th November, 2006, saw Canada’s House of Commons recognise who as a nation?
Q2) James Pratt, and John Smith, were hung: on 27th November, 1835.   They were the last people in the UK hung for what: murder, sodomy or sheep rustling?
Q3) 27th November, 1942, saw France scuttle — deliberately sink — part of its navy: to stop Navy Germany capturing them.  The ships in port: where?
Q4) 27th November, 2009, saw a bomb explode on the Nevsky Express.   The train was running between Saint Petersburg: and where?
Q5) Finally … 27th November, 1907, saw the birth of writer, L. Sprague de Camp.   Amongst other things, he’s generally credited with being the first person to use which term for alien life?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The Sex Pistols debut single was released on 26th November.   Of which year?
A1) 1976.
Q2) By which label: Virgin, EMI or Stiff?
A2) EMI.   It was the only Pistol’s release on the label: as EMI dropped the band, in the wake of the Bill Grundy Incident.   (They only did it, ’cause of fame.)
Q3) The single was Anarchy in the UK.   UK stands for United … what?
A3) United Kingdom.
Q4) Anarchy in the UK was the single’s A-side.   What was the B-side?
Q5) The song was the band’s first single.   What Pistols album did it originally feature on?
A5) Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols: usually called Never Mind the Bollocks.
Q6) The song was the band’s first single.   What was their second?
A6) God Save the Queen.   (I remember seeing the look on the Queen’s face, when God Save the Queen was played at the 2012 Olympics.   I’m guessing she’s not a fan!)
Q7) At one stage?   John Lydon sings “I use the NME”.   The ‘NME’ is which music magazine?
Q8) The song mentions the MPLA: an independence movement in which African nation?
A8) Angola.
Q9) Name any one of the band members who recorded the song.   (Sid Vicious was not one of them: he joined the Pistols later.)
A9) Johnny Rotten, Steve Jones, Glen Matlock and Paul Cook.
Q10) Finally … ?   What was the song’s highest UK chart position, in the year it was released?
A10) 38.
Here’s a song … 

And a thought …
“Discount all praise by nine-tenths, since a king draws flatterers as offal does flies.”
L. Sprague de Camp, 27th November 1907 – 6th November 2000.
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Thanks for looking in, Dave.   Now … about that score … … 🤟🏻.  (Apparently, it’s a ‘Love You gesture’ … )

†        Oh, I hope so, Olga.   We might just be able to claim some of the royalties!   And, yeah: there IS a limit on what people can get away with.   But that’s sort of my point, with the cinema chain’s reactions.   A lot of the time, it’s not necessarily the film’s fault!   From what I hear, at least one of the chains involved has reinstated the film … and upped their security!   (Oh, Radio Four’s Today programme is discussing it with a representative of the West Midlands police: who’s seems to be saying it responded to reports of trouble that started outside the cinema.)

‡        Don’t look at me, Debbi!   I just play the good stuff!   There’s plenty: especially the stuff that the pub rock generated.   I think a certain Mr Lydon was influenced by Messrs Dury and co, and Dr Feelgood … 


  1. Q1) the Québécois
    Q2) Sodomy
    Q3) Toulon
    Q4) Moscow
    Q5) Extraterrestrial (E.T.)
    Oh, I'm sure it's nothing to do with the content of the movie, as they hadn't even watched it yet, but that tends to be the level of thinking involved in those kinds of incidents.
    Good luck with the dentist, or the trainee!

  2. He's a character that Johnny! :) Gotta love him!

    1. the Québécois nation
    2. sodomy
    3. Toulon
    4. Moscow
    5. extraterrestrial or ET


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