
Thursday 28 November 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-11-2019: Chad

28th November, 2019.

You know, I have to admit to being up early.


I’ve a meeting at the Job centre at 9:30.

Mostly one that sets up the course I’m supposed to go on.

So I was up at six.

Half an hour before that … ?

Someone rang my doorbell: the one on the main door of the building.

At five thirty.

Who was it?

Why did they ring?

Why were they there?

I’m blowed if I know.

I’m not answering the door at that time of the morning … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 28th November is Republic Day in Chad.   Chad is on which continent?
Q2) What’s the capital of Chad?
Q3) Name either one of Chad’s official languages … 
Q4) Idriss Déby is Chad’s … what?
Q5) Finally … ?   The country is named after what: a mountain, lake or desert?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 27th November, 2006, saw Canada’s House of Commons recognise who as a nation?
A1) The Quebecois: the French speaking people of Quebec, in other words.
Q2) James Pratt, and John Smith, were hung: on 27th November, 1835.   They were the last people in the UK hung for what: murder, sodomy or sheep rustling?
A2) Sodomy.
Q3) 27th November, 1942, saw France scuttle — deliberately sink — part of its navy: to stop Navy Germany capturing them.  The ships in port: where? 
A3) Toulon.
Q4) 27th November, 2009, saw a bomb explode on the Nevsky Express.   The train was running between Saint Petersburg: and where?
A4) Moscow.
Q5) Finally … 27th November, 1907, saw the birth of writer, L. Sprague de Camp.   Amongst other things, he’s generally credited with being the first person to use which term for alien life?
A5) Extraterrestrial or ET.   (The term’s been around since the late 1860s: but he’s considered the first to use it about alien life.)
Here’s a saying …
“If you always walk down the same path, you’ll go where you’ve already been.”
Chadian Proverb.
And some traditional music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I had two of them, as it turned out, Olga: one to do the poking around, the other to hold the hose sluicing my mouth out.   Ironically?   I needed a glass of water, at one point!   Oh, the last cinema chain that had stopped showing Blue Story is to restart showing it on Saturday.   With added security … … … … … … … … … … …

†        That he is, Debbi!   Oh, did I mention I was on Quora, Debbi?   Think this MAY interest you … 


  1. Q1) Africa
    Q2) N'Djamena
    Q3) Arabic, French
    Q4) President
    Q5) A lake
    Thanks for the update! I hope the visit to the Job Centre is as painless as possible. I have to cover some local news this morning (the presentation of a new TV programme, for the Catalan television, at the local market) so I'm in a bit of a hurry as well. I hope I don't give them my cold...

  2. 1. Africa
    2. NˋDjamena
    3. French
    4. President
    5. Lake

  3. This is why I like your blog. The advice, the teasers, Doctor Who, and more. :)

    1. Africa
    2. N'Djamena
    3. Arabic and French
    4. president
    5. a lake


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