
Thursday 28 November 2019

The Man in the High Castle — Series 4 Episodes 4: Happy Trails — A Review

28th November, 2019.


Right then … 

I’m officially … on the a course … 

I’m jobhunting, at the moment.   Just in case you didn’t know.

As such?   I have to do so many hours jobhunting, each day.

And, if required to?   Have to do whatever else the Job Centre thinks will be helpful for me to do.

Which reminds me: looking up an ECDL course, a European Computer Drivers License, could come in handy.

At ANY rate … ?

I’ve been places on a course that Covers a lot of different territory: including Customer Services, and Some basic IT, and presentational, skills.

Three weeks worth of course.

Here’s hoping it helps.


At any rate … ?

At any rate, I’ve had my 8 year old nephew, over, today.

Who’s now headed home: have had his weekly dose of Slogoman and Jelly!

They’re YouTubers, before you ask!

That means I know have my TV back: and can settle down to something I’d like to see.

Yep: episode 4 of The Man in the High Castle’s fourth season.

Ahem … !


Episode 4 — Happy Trails — opens with the captured Hawthorn Abendsen (Stephen Root) forced into filming propaganda for the Nazi American Government.

On the West Coast?   Robert Childan (Brennan Brown) is being held captive by the BCR: and forced by BCR leader, Elijah (Clé Bennett) to contact the Crown Princess.

Juliana?   Juliana (Alexa Davalos) has returned home to the High Castle world: leaping off from the alternative world’s version of Washington DC … to what — in her world — is called the District of Contamination.

The remains of Washington, in other words.

With only her brains … and a five dollar bill with Abraham Lincoln’s face on it.

Inspector Kido (Joel de la Fuente)?   Is in something of a bind.   His commanding officer has ordered him to use Captain Iijima (Rich Ting) to investigate incriminating evidence against the Crown Princess.   Kido is reluctant to: and has taped Iijima’s confessing to the murder of Trade Minister Tagomi.

With all this going on … ?

Reichsmarshall Smith and his wife, Helen (Rufus Sewell and Chelah Horsdal) have both the Führer — Heinrich Himmler (Kenneth Tigar) —, his wife, Margarete (Gwynyth Walsh) and the menacing Obergruppenführer Goertzmann (Marc Rissman): and put in the awkward position of watching Berlin’s politics play out at dinner.

Frankly?   You can see why the Reichsmarshall decides to visit … somewhere else … 


Now … 

Am I still engrossed?

Yes, I am, thanking you.

Tonight’s episode is slowly unwinding fourth series plot towards what could be an interesting ending season climax.

Unwinding?   Is possibly not the word: Happy Trails, like earlier episodes of series four, is both taut … and keep us engaged, showing us the faces of its characters, how they interact with, and react to, each other.

It’s certainly an episode that has an interesting ending, in and of itself.

We know — from one scene — that the Reichsmarshall knows of his alternative self’s death: at the hands of one of his own agents … 

And can only be intrigued, as Reichsmarshall does what many of us would, in his situation.

Goes to see the other world … 

I’m looking forward to the next episode.

I want to see how this goes … 

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