
Saturday 30 November 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-11-2019: Saint Andrew’s Day

30th November, 2019.

Yes: today’s the 30th of November, 2019.

And it means that Lighting up Brentwood, takes place.

It means Brentwood’s Christmas lights get turned on.


It might well end up making the High Street look wonderfully festive … 

But means means there’s going to be traffic jams … 


Oh … 

One thing I have managed to be able to afford?

Is a new USB stick: a sixty-four gigabyte one that replaces a thirty-two gigabyte one.

With the amount of cloud services, and catch up TV services, doing the rounds, they’re less useful than they were.

But there still the odd occasion where they come in handy.

In my case?   I’ve a set top TV box that can record stuff to a USB stick: having a larger capacity one helps.

Once I managed to get the thing formatted correctly* … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, and Debbi on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 30th November is the feast of Saint Andrew.   Who, in the Bible, is Saint Andrew’s brother?
Q2) According to Orthodox tradition, which Patriarch is the successor to Saint Andrew?
Q3) On the 30th, Scottish Government buildings fly what: the Scottish flag, the Union flag or the Royal Standard?
Q4) In Western Europe’s occult tradition, Saint Andrew’s associated with which star sign?
Q5) Finally … ?   The saint’s main shrine is Saint Andrew’s Cathedral.   Where: Greece, Scotland or Cyprus?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 29th November saw the Diet — the parliament — of Japan met for the first time.   On 29th November of which year of the 1890s?
A1) 1890.
Q2) 29th November, 1832, saw the birth of author, Louisa May Alcott.   Her best known work was published in 1868.   What was it called … ?
Q3) 29th November, 1898, saw the birth of writer, C. S. Lewis.   In 1954, he became a fellow of Magdalen College … where?
A3) Cambridge.
Q4) 29th November, 1993, saw the Conservative government sharply criticised for its dealings with whom?
A4) The IRA.
Q5) Finally … ?   29th November, 1944, saw partisans liberate which country?
A5) Albania.
Here’s a relevant biblical quote …
“40 One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.
41 He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messiah, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.”
John, Ch 1, v 40 to 41
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It needed to have a Master Boot Record sector, so the box could read the rest of the stick: and have a FAT32 partition map.   Remind me to mention golf, at some point … 

†        It’s sound like you had a fascinating day, there Olgaº.   And I know what you mean about plugging cables in to the wrong port.   I get the same problem: it’s so easy to get USB sticks the wrong way up, AND the wrong format!   Hang on, a fishmonger?   Weird coincidence for you, yesterday’s London Bridge Attack started in Fishmonger’s Hall.   (Oh, David lives in Hamburg, in Germany.   Near the Reeperbahn, the red light area/nightclub hotspot.   Apparently, the rent’s cheap, there’s a beautiful old church and a fascinating museum.   I believe him.   Thousands wouldn’t, mind.)

‡        My pleasure, Debbi, anytime.   And yes, Time Machine^ will back up all the music in Rick’s media library: regardless of source.   About the only difference is that music, movies and TV shows he’s purchased from iTunes will can be re-downloaded from the store, if need be.   And the Music App can still re-rip CDs, if that’s also needed.   (I have two separate movie collections, by the way: one of stuff bought from Apple, and one made from backed-up DVDs and blu-rays.   The latter I keep on another, very large, external drive.   The former I store in the Cloud.)

^        Time Machine will back up everything, I should add.   It’s fairly easy to navigate, so that you can restore individual items, whole folders and applications.   Rick may need to fiddle about adding the thing to the Menu Bar … but that option’s in Time Machine’s preferences.

ª        If I’ve understood things correctly, Debbi?   Such back-ups are considered legal in some jurisdictions: as long as they are back ups for personal use.   But I think we’ve had this discussion, before, haven’t we?   Copyright law’s a git!

º        Yes, you’re right, Olga, there’s a Magdalen in both Universities: Lewis switched to the Cambridge on in ’54.   Trick question, moi?!


  1. Q1) Saint Peter (Simon as he was before)
    Q2) The Patriarch of Constantinople
    Q3) The Scottish Flag (The Saltire)
    Q4) Virgo
    Q5) Greece
    I must read more about what happened in London (the news here were sharing what they knew at the time and mentioned the attack at the Hague). From what I've read it seems that there were students from Cambridge University as well there, so there are even more coincidences! Scary! Oh, might you be interested in checking and possibly reviewing a book on trivia? I reviewed one of the QI books some time ago, and an author approached me about his new book. He is due to send me an ARC copy next week or so, and I'm sure he'd be grateful for any input, so I wondered. If you are interested I could pass him your e-mail address (not sure I have it, but let me know).

  2. I think so on the backups. As long as you're no distributing them illegally.

    1. Saint Peter
    2. the Patriarch of Constantinople
    3. the Scottish flag
    4. a saltire
    5. Scotland

    So the USB flash drives must be formatted? I'm assuming that's not hard. Is it? :)


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