
Wednesday 6 November 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th November, 2019

6th November, 2019.

Yep: phone lines are a problem.


I’ve got an ongoing issue with my boiler: you’ve possibly realised that, if you’ve been following me for a while.

I had a senior engineer out, last week: to assess whether the thing repaired or replaced.

He recommendation?   Was to phone my landlords, last Friday: he’d be recommending both, and I’d need to talk to them, to see which they’d authorise.

I phoned, Friday.

To find my landlord’s phones were down until Tuesday.

So, of course, I phoned, on Tuesday.


To find they were still down … as they were having technical issues.

I’m thinking this could take a while … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 6th November is Obama Day.   Where?
Q2) Which Republican president was re-elected on 6th November, 1984?
Q3) 6th November, 1957, saw the birth of actress, Lori Singer.   In which movie did she play Ariel Moore?
Q4) Austrian singer, Thomas Neuwirth, was born on 6th November, 1988.   What’s Thomas’ stage name?
Q5) 6th November is the feast day of Saint Severus of Barcelona.   The saint’s often depicted with what in his head?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) In the UK, 5th November is Guy Fawkes Night.   Also known as Bonfire Night, and Fireworks night.   Many fireworks use which G as a fuel?
A1) Gunpowder.
Q2) Alternatively, fireworks can use which F?
Q3) What green or red wire can be used with commercial fireworks?
A3) Fuse wire.
Q4) What type of firework shares its name with the capital of Italy?
A4) The Roman candle.
Q5) Keith Moon of the Who famously used a kind of firework to blow up hotel toilets.   What kind of fireworks?
Q6) What’s the UK name of the slow burning, hand held, firework on a stick?
A6) A sparkler.
Q7) Which Indian festival is celebrated with fireworks?
A7) Diwali.
Q8) Which UK super market recently announced it was going to stop selling fireworks?
Q9) Fireworks is a first season episode of which NBC series?
A9) 30 Rock.   (As Olga’s quietly pointed out?   There’s also a first season episode of Chicago Fire)
Q10) Fireworks: Nine Profane Pieces was a short story collection by whom?
A10) Angela Carter.
Here’s a thought …
“We all obsess about what we are doing and accomplishing. What if we let it go and simply made the way we live our lives our accomplishment?”
Maria Shriver, November 6, 1955.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        There’s always those jobs, isn’t there, Olga: and it sounds like you bagged a good one, there.   With the recent interview?   I signed up for their Customer Services Adviser role, when I applied online.   At the interview stage, when I was filling in the offline application form for them, they told me to not bother filling in the  Post Applied For box.   Frankly?   That sounds iffy.   (As for the evening?   Edge of Darkness seems to go well with fireworks.   It’s those Clapton‡ guitar riffs … )

†        Debbi, you never stop amazing me: I forgot the 5th was that anniversary!   You know, that means you starting comment here about four or five years afterwards?   You’re tougher than you look!

‡       Robert Johnson’s original?   Is very different … and scared the sh∞t out of me, the first time I heard it.   (The Johnson myth?   Says he sold his soul to the devil, in return for his abilities on the guitar.   Supposedly, at a crossroads.)


  1. Q1) Kenya
    Q2) Ronald Reagan
    Q3) Footloose
    Q4) Conchita Wurst
    Q5) nails
    Yes, the job sounds iffy. By the way, my reply to the question about the Fireworks episode is also correct. Chicago Fire had an episode called Fireworks (18th) in the first series, and it’s an NBC series. It might not have been the answer you were looking for but…

  2. I tell ya, if there's one thing I've learned, it's that I'm a lot tougher than I'd ever imagined possible! What can I say? :)

    1. Illinois
    2. some B-movie actor named Ronald Reagan
    3. Footloose
    4. Conchita Wurst
    5. a nail or nails

    BTW, we watched Season Four, Episode One of Mr. Robot last night. I had to kind of explain a few little things to Rick, since he hadn't seen any of the previous episodes, as I had. But he did enjoy it! :) So ... we'll keep picking away at that one, I think.

    I love the actors.


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