
Thursday 7 November 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7-11-2019: The Ol’ One Two.

7th November, 2019.

The boiler saga … ?

Has taken another twist … !

You’ve probably realised that I’ve been trying to get the dratted thing replaced, yes?

You possibly already knew I was supposed to be phoning my landlords, to see what that’s be happy about authorising?

And not been able to do, as I’d not been able to get through to them.

I was going to give them another try, yesterday … 

Until the heating contractors phoned me, yesterday.

They’re coming on Tuesday afternoon, to do the repairs … 


You’re possibly aware I’m not necessarily comfortable being political, here.

But will if I feel I must.

I’ve been voting Green* in many local and national elections: I’ve never voted Conservative, Labour — in Brentwood — have no chance†, and I’ve not voted Liberal Democrat since the coalition.

Indeed, I’ve spoilt my vote, several times, rather than vote for any of the big three: and still see this as a viable option, if needed.

So seeing this piece of news was worrying: as it seems to imply that the Greens won’t necessarily be standing in Brentwood.

I’ve just checked: Messenging the local party, through their Facebook page.

Seemingly, they’re now not standing in Chelmsford: but still planning to stand in Brentwood, once the crowdfunding page hits its target.

Here’s hoping.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga‡, and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 7th November saw President Eisenhower elected as President.   In which year?
Q2) Was this Eisenhower’s first or second term as US President?
Q3) Excluding Presidents who have died in their first term, Vice Presidents who’ve served a partial Presidential term as a replacement, or President Trump — who hasn’t completed his first term — how many presidents have only completed one full presidential term?
Q4) How many terms may a US President may serve?
Q5) Finally … ?   Who was the USA’s longest serving president?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 6th November is Obama Day.   Where?
A1) Kenya.
Q2) Which Republican president was re-elected on 6th November, 1984?
Q3) 6th November, 1957, saw the birth of actress, Lori Singer.   In which movie did she play Ariel Moore?
A3) Footloose.
Q4) Austrian singer, Thomas Neuwirth, was born on 6th November, 1988.   What’s Thomas’ stage name?
A4) Conchita Wurst: also known as Conchita.
Q5) 6th November is the feast day of Saint Severus of Barcelona.   The saint’s often depicted with what in his head?
A5) Nails.   (OK, it looks good on Pinhead: I imagine Severus wasn’t enjoying the process …)
Here’s a thought …
“We look upon this shaken Earth, and we declare our firm and fixed purpose — the building of a peace with justice in a world where moral law prevails.”
President Eisenhower, in his second Inaugural Address.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That’s partly why I’ve put the link to the local Green party’s Campaign fund in the sidebar.   I feel we should have more of a choice.

†        Additionally, the Antisemitism charges?   For me, are a big disincentive.

‡        Cheers for that, Olga: I’ve managed to correct them, and your score.   (I’ll tell you what, I’m getting impatient for the next El Ministerio del Tiempo, I really am!   I DO know I’ve updated the English language Wikipedia Talk page about the series.   I’m hoping they don’t let Angustias sing!)

^        Possibly a lot, Debbi!   😂   And it’s nice to hear Rick’s getting glued to Mr Robot!   Actually, there’s a scene in series two — I think — where Elliot connects to the ’Net with a router and an Pringles tin.   I’d knew about the trick, years ago … but thought I’d share the tip … !   (Oh, the answer was Kenya: the Illinois holiday is Barack Obama Day!)


  1. Q1) 1956?
    Q2) Second
    Q3) 12 (I think)
    Q4) two
    Q5) Franklin D. Roosevelt
    I hope the Greens keep on going. What can I tell you? There are elections here on Saturday and none of the big parties seem to have learned anything since the last elections, so I am not very hopeful... I'm pleased to hear there's some movement on the heating front, although for what you say and what the engineers have said, they should replace it rather than try to patch it up once again...

  2. Whoops! Oh, well. :)

    1. 1956
    2. first and only
    3. 12
    4. 2
    5. Franklin D. Roosevelt


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