
Monday 16 December 2019

Mr Robot — Series 4: Episodes 11 — eXit — A Review

16th December, 2019.

You know, being out of a job can be …  depressing, at times.

It can also have it’s upsides.

One very simple one … ?

Is that you get the occasional bit of help.

In my case?   I’ve been put on a course that’s supposed to help with CV writing and interview technique.

Whether it will?

Is something else.

The real upside?

Is that, with a little hard work, we should get to finish a day or two early.

Tomorrow, in other words.

Which certainly appeals.

At any rate, I had no actual homework, to do, tonight.

Which is good.

It meant I could actually watch some TV.

Yes: I’m almost done with Series 4 of Mr Robot


Episode 11 — eXit — almost immediately follows on from episode 10: with Zhang/Whiterose (BD Wong), at their make-up table: as their forces battle an FBI SWAT team … and win.

Leaving Embassy proclaiming that Zhang is dead, and Whiterose, alive.

Elliot?   Elliot (Rami Malek) and Darlene have gone their separate ways.

Darlene(Carly Chaikin) heading for Logan Airport with Agent Agent DiPierro (Grace Gummer).

Elliot … heading for Washington Township, the town where he grew up.

He’s got plans to sabotage machinery Whiterose has installed at the nuclear plant.

Sabotage plans put on hold … when Whiterose herself turns up.

Not to stop Elliot … but to tell Elliot the plant is going to blow up, and create a perfect world … any minute now … 

Elliot awakes … 

In a seemingly perfect world, where he is due to marry Angela Moss (Portia Doubleday) the next day, where he is the CEO of AllSafe, JUST bagged a big client … 

Just had a insightful conversation with Tyrell Wellick (Martin Wallström) … 

And come home to his flat … and not recognised the man at this computer … 


Now … 

Was this a good episode … ?

Yes … with reservations.

Right at the moment, I’m thinking that eXit is a hallucination Elliot’s suffering.

It is — as with any other episode of Mr Robot — extremely well made, acted, written, what have you.

I can’t help but notice earlier series of Mr Robot have tended towards ten episode: at least, series one and three did.

And, overall, were better for it.

As nice as this is?

It seems like padding.

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