
Monday 23 December 2019

Mr Robot — Series 4: Episodes 12 — Series Finale Pt 1/whoami — A review

23rd December, 2019.

Hmmm … 

I’ve got paid, today.

Ot, at least, received my benefits payment for the month.

Which — as always — never really lasts.

On top of that … ?

I’ve got a pre-pay electricity meter.

It’s a bit like a prepay mobile phone.

You head for a shop with the relevant payment machine, they put your payment key into their machine, put the money on, you go home, shove the key in the meter … and, by the power of technology, the money’s put on your meter.

Except, of course, for today.

When none of the machines in the shop in the High Street, recognised my key.

So … ?

I’ve spent an hour on the phone, today: getting in touch with my suppler, in order to get another key.

It’ll get here by Friday.

I’m just glad I’ve enough money on the meter to be going on with … 


At any rate … ?

It’s a Monday … 

Which — if you’ve been paying attention, recently — means one thing.


I’ve caught another episode of Mr Robot’s Series 4.


Episode 12 — Series Finale Pt 1/whoami — sees Elliot waking up in the car park of Washington Township’s power plant.

A power plant that’s no longer there.

He finds himself in the alternative world mention by Whiterose in episode 11: a world that’s seemingly perfect.

Until he get’s to this world’s version of his flat, hacks his alternative’s iMac … 

And is shocked to find a lot of sketches of himself … 

It gets worse … 

When his double walks in.

The ensuing conversation is awkward, stilted and only ended … 

By an earthquake.

You have to wonder where those are coming from.


Now … Good, bad or unnameable … 

Let’s deal with names, first shall we?

According to Wikipedia?

The last two names are called whoami and Hello Elliot, respectively.   But are listed on the Mr Robot website as Series Finale Pt 1 and Pt 2.

So you know.

As for the episode, it self … ?

As an individual episode, it’s well made: as I’ve come to expect from the series.

I don’t know if I can give you a complete of the finale … 

Until I see part two.

That’s not going to be long, now!

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