
Tuesday 3 December 2019

Mr Robot — Series 4: Episodes 9 — 409 Conflict — A review

3rd December, 2019.

Yeah … 

A day off … 

I’m job hunting, at the moment: but occasionally?

Get help.

Right at the moment … ?

That help consist of a course designed to help us with interview technique, customer services and CV writing.

Saying that?   We have a day off, tomorrow: the tutor has a meeting in Stevenage, it seems.

That day off?

Means we have a day off.

I got daring: and decided to stay up and watch TV.

The excitement is killing you, isn’t it … ?

Yes: I’ve managed to catch up with the ninth episode of Series 4 Mr Robot.

It’s got tense again … 


Episode 9 — 409 Conflict — sees Mr. Robot, Magda and Young Elliot (Christian Slater, Vaishnavi Sharma and Evan Whitten) arguing about what to tell Elliot, when he wakes up: his alter egos are as undecided as Elliot himself, about going ahead with the Deus Group hack.

Mr. Robot and Darlene (Carly Chaikin) prepare to hack the Deus Group, after Price (Michael Cristofer) gives them information on Whiterose.

Zhang — Whiterose (BD Wong) — has other ideas: the Deus meeting that Price thinks he’s going to … ?

Has had a sudden change of venue … !

Leaving Elliot and Darlene to desperately struggling to find where it’s being held, so they can press ahead with the attack.

The attack is successful. 

And leaves Whiterose utterly broke … and with the ominous sound of gunfire at the door … 


Now have we had another good episode?

Yes: we do.

What’s more, it’s yet another hit episode: following Elliot and Darlene as they hack the Deus group meeting, grab Whiterose’s phone number and account details … 

And successfully grab a lot of cash.

I know it’s the show’s last episode … but I’d like to see one or two more episode like this!

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