
Friday 27 December 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th December, 2019

27th December, 2019.

Right … 

We’ve officially come to the end of both Christmas … and my nephew’s birthday.

I think we can safely say all presents have been gratefully received: and used.

Including, I should add, the Chromecast.

Given Liverpool were playing on my nephew’s birthday … ?

Watching the match on Amazon Prime proved both enjoyable, appropriate, and showed my family how to use the thing.

That’s good.

Me, on the other hand, working out how access the information points on Lego Avengers?

Proved tricky.

But not as tricky as getting Hulk across the bridge.

Turns out getting Iron Man had to zap the logs on top of the hill, helped …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring nine out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 27th December is Constitution Day.   Where: North Korea or South Korea?
Q2) The International Monetary Fund was created on 27th December, 1945.   The IMF’s HQ is in which city?
Q3) Viktor Yushchenko won a presidential election: on 27th December, 2004.   Where?
Q4) Billy Wright was killed: on 27th December, 1997.   Wright was a Loyalist paramilitary, and member of what: the Ulster Volunteer Force, the Ulster Defence Association or the Red Hand Defenders?
Q5) Finally … ?   The show considered to be the first US musical play, made its debut on 27th December, 1927.   What play was it?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Boxing Day is the 360th day of the year.   Which day is it in a leap year?
A1) The 361st.
Q2) There’s 360 what in a circle?
A2) Degrees.
Q3) The symbol for those 360 items is a small, raised what?
A3) Circle. (°).
Q4) Each of those 360 pieces is made up of 60 … what?
A4) Minutes: also called arcminutes.
Q5) Is 360 a prime number?
A5) No.
Q6) What’s 360 in Roman numerals?
Q7) The Rickenbacker 360 is a model of semi-acoustic what?
A7) Guitar.
Q8) 360° is a 2006 LP by which musician?
A8) Chelo.
Q9) The Xbox 360 was a games console made by whom?
A9) Microsoft.
Q10) Finally … ?   The 360° Tour was a world tour by which Irish band … ?
A10) U2.
Here’s a thought …
“If somebody has never been married, they don’t know compromise.”
Eva LaRue, born December 27, 1966.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, one of the junction boxes went, Olga?!   I’ve had something similar happen, myself.   The older routers I had — a few years ago — would reset themselves far more frequently than the newer ones.   Turns out it was signal spikes from the phone line causing the problem.   The engineers had to put in a widget that stopped it.   Technology … !   Hmmm … I think most of the smart set top boxes aren’t charged for: a friend’s been given an Apple TV by his ISP.   Mind you, he’s didn’t have Prime or Netflix: so he’s found the thing useful, and comparatively cheap to run.   Plus there’s ALWAYS something on YouTube!

†        Tell me about it, Debbi … !   You should see some of them … !


  1. Q1) North Korea
    Q2) Washington D.C.
    Q3) Ukraine
    Q4) the Ulster Volunteer Force
    Q5) Show Boat (I studied a course on the American Musical when I was at Mount Holyoke and chose to do a presentation on Show Boat. Still one of my favourites)
    I hope you get there with the game. I have no skills on the matter, so can't give any advice. ;)

  2. Happy belated birthday to Jude! :)

    1. North Korea
    2. Washington, DC
    3. Ukraine
    4. Ulster Volunteer Force
    5. Show Boat


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