
Tuesday 31 December 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31-12-2019: The 2019 Review of the Year

31st December, 2019.

It’s the last day of the year.

And … ?

And I forgot to look in on my GP surgery, yesterday.

My stomach is definitely twanging.


It won’t last long: yesterday was a LOT better than Sunday, let’s put it that way.

And helped that I spent a lot of time sitting down: that seems to reduce the cramps.


That’s helpful to know.

As I’m going to be sitting down a lot, today.

As my sisters are taking me to see Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, today.

Here’s hoping the final Star Wars film is as good a the trailer.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) January, 2019: Jair Bolsonaro become President of where?
Q2) February?   Saw the first Pope to visit the Arabian peninsular: Abu Dhabi, to be specific.   WHICH Pope?
Q3) March saw Disney buy which media company?
Q4) April saw scientists from the Event Horizon Telescope release the world first photo of what?
Q5) The 2019 Eurovision Song Contest tool place in May: in Tel Aviv.   Which country won?
Q6) June 2019, saw who resign as the UK’s Prime Minister and Conservative leader?
Q7) July … saw Japan start a trade war with which country: China, South Korea or Thailand?
Q8) August saw activists hold a funeral for a glacier.   In which country?
Q9) September saw the death of Robert Mugabe.   Which country had he been leader of?
Q10) October 2019 saw political Advertising banned by whom: Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter?
Q11) November: Malaysia saw the death of the last known Sumatran what?
Q12) The UK held a what in December, this year?
Q13) According to an ONS report, this year, the UK’s internet use peak: on which day of the week?
Q14) Rami Malek won the 2019 Best Actor Oscar: for his performance in Bohemian Rhapsody.   He first came to fame in which TV series?
Q15) Finally … ?   Archie Mountbatten-Windsor was born, this year.   He’s the only child of the Duke and Duchess of where?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 30th December is the feast day of the Syriac Orthodox Saint, Saint Abraham.   Saint Abraham the whom?
A1) Saint Abraham the writer.   (Digging him up seems appropriate: well, OK, maybe not literally digging him up …)
Q2) 30th December is Rizal Day.   In which country?
A2) The Philippines.
Q3) The Battle of Glenmama was fought on 30th December, AD999.   Munster’s forces involved: and led by which Irish king?
Q4) The Ginza Metro line opened on 30th December, 1927.   The line’s part of which city’s underground network?
A4) Tokyo’s.
Q5) Finally … ?   What stopped being use in Britain’s coal mines: on 30th December, 1986?
A5) Canaries.
Here’s a thought …
“At first I felt terrible, then I realised… that no matter what I do the rest of my life… I’ll never do anything as distinguished as getting on Nixon’s enemy list.”
RIP Carol Channing, January 31, 1921 – January 15, 2019
And, in the year Keith Flint died?   A song … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Cheers, Olga: I can get that Ginza Line question corrected!   And you’re right, The Young Ones isn’t exactly subtle.   I can remember, from the very little time I spent at drama, that our drama tutor defined it as good old fashioned slapstick.   I think he might have had a point!   And it sounds like someone’s going to be busy: have fun with that festival!   (It sounds perfect.   And the perfect way for parents to embarrass their kids, in later years!)

†        You know, Debbi, I’m sure I did a basketball set at one point.   Hmmm … Not a thing: I’ve just checked.   I might have to ready that, at some point.   (Sorry about the length, Debbi, but I couldn’t resist it!)


  1. Q1) Brazil
    Q2) Pope Francis
    Q3) 21st Century Fox
    Q4) A black hole
    Q5) The Netherlands
    Q6) Theresa May
    Q7) South Korea
    Q8) Iceland
    Q9) Zimbabwe
    Q10) Twitter
    Q11) rhino
    Q12) election
    Q13) Wednesday
    Q14) Mr. Robot
    Q15) Sussex
    Thank you. Enjoy Star Wars and let us know what you think. There seems to be a major division of opinion on it. Enjoy the New Year celebrations!

  2. So I see. Yes. :)

    1. Brazil
    2. Francis
    3. 21st Century Fox
    4. a black hole
    5. The Netherlands
    6. Theresa May
    7. South Korea
    8. Iceland
    9. Zimbabwe
    10. Twitter
    11. rhino
    12. general election
    13. Black Friday
    14. Mr. Robot
    15. Sussex

    Whew! Happy new year! :)


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