
Sunday 8 December 2019

The Man in the High Castle — Series 4 Episodes 9: Episode 9 For Want of a Nail — A Review

8th December, 2019.

Yes: it’s officially official: I am back at the course, tomorrow.

I’m job hunting, at the moment: and, if you’ve been following me for a while?

You’ll know I’m on a short course designed to improve my employment prospects.

I’m back there, tomorrow: and looking forward to it: as it gets me out of the house.

The real killer?

We have laptops … and our tutor’s decided to get mice for them.

Little things mean a lot.


At any rate … ?

It’s the Sunday night before I go back.

And frankly?

I want to go to bed early … but want to tell you about a TV show.

Yep: you’re right … I’ve seen the ninth episode of The Man in the High Castle’s fourth season.


Episode 9 — Episode 9 For Want of a Nail opens with Bell and Elijah (Frances Turner and Clé Bennett) having serious discussion: Elijah feels the Crown Princess’s bedroom need to be re-purposed.

Whilst Nazi bombers fly over: dropping propaganda leaflets.

Inspector Kido (Joel de la Fuente)… ?

Is still being held by the BCR: and having hallucinations of his son, as a youngster.

Childan (Brennan Brown), and Yukiko (Chika Kanamoto) are now married.

But split up  by an especially officious guard when trying to flee to Japan

Meanwhile … ?   Juliana (Alexa Davalos) finally gets in touch with Helen: this world’s Helen.

Helen has seen the footage of the alternative Smith family: and wants to know more.

Her husband, Reichsmarshall Smith is in Berlin.   The Führer … ?

Has plans for North America: to expand the Reich, westward.

And has plans for Reichsmarshall Smith.


Now … it has to be said, this is yet another good little episode: one with twists, turns, emotional touches … 

And one hell of a palace coup as an ending.


I know that this series is the last: at least, for now.

But?   I’m keen to see the finale … 

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