
Monday 9 December 2019

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9th December, 2019.

9th December, 2019.

Right, then: it’s Monday morning.

And I’m back at my course, today.

I’m looking forward to it.

It gets me out of the house, and doing something: even if I think the thing’s make-work.

And, strangely?

Our tutor’s getting mice for the laptop’s we use: after a lot of complaint!

We’ve something to look forward too.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five: and Olga on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 9th December is the feast day patron saint of indigenous peoples.   He’s Saint Juan … what?
Q2) 9th December, 1957, saw the birth of Donny Osmond.   What was the name of The TV show he and his sister introduced?
Q3) 9th December, 1960, saw the birth of politician, Caroline Lucas.   The Brighton Pavilion MP is parliament’s only MP from which party?
Q4) The first episode of Coronation Street was broadcast on 9th December, 1960.   Coronation Street is the world’s longest running soap opera.   What’s the world’s longest running radio soap?
Q5) Finally … ?   Hikaru Nakamura was born on 9th December, 1987.   He’s a noted player of what: Go, Chess or Mancala?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 8th December saw the formal establishment of the Irish Free what?
A1) Irish Free State: what’s now the Republic of Ireland.
Q2) The establishment was in which year: 1922, 1923 or 1924?
A2) 1922.
Q3) After the Establishment?   After the establishment, which part of the island remained part of the United Kingdom?
A3) Northern Ireland.
Q4) The free Irish area consisted of how many counties?
A4) Twenty-six.
Q5) Finally … ?   When did those counties become the Republic of Ireland?
A5) 1937.
Here’s a thought …
“When you’re on a series, it’s tough to go on and do something else afterward. If you’re smart, save your money and you can wait out the bad times, until something else comes along.”
Michael Dorn, born December 9, 1952‡.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I think one of us has to adjust out privacy settings, Olga: I seem to recall that was the issue something like this happened!   I’ve done some tweaking: we’ll have to see if that helps^!   And you’re right about FB changing things.   The so-and-sos have changed the desktop version of Messenger … again.   And I know exactly what you mean about letters.   I THINK they’ve been replaced by emails.   And I think emails are going the way of the dodo: and being replaced by shades of instant messaging.   You know, I think linguists in the future are going to be confused … by the amount of emojis everyone’s using.   English is slowly growing pictograms, and I’m sure Spanish is the same!   🤔   (Oh, I had 1937 as an answer: that’s when Ireland’s constitution went into law.   It doesn’t define the country as a republic … but does define the post of Irish president …)

†        Overhaul?   I don’t think it needs an over haul, Debbi, it needs serious surgery … and possibly a bun!   (How come there’s no bun emojis on Catalina?   Cakes, pies and cookies … but no buns!)

‡        Sadly, Michael’s co-star, René Auberjonois, dies yesterday.   He’ll be missed.

^        You’ll need to put in another friend request, Olga!


  1. Q1) Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin (I wouldn’t dare try to pronounce that on the radio!)
    Q2) Donny & Marie
    Q3) The Green Party
    Q4) The Archers (I started reading an old mystery that’s been republished, Dover One, by Joyce Porter, and the Archers keep coming up)!
    Q5) Chess
    I keep getting friend requests (being a writer, other writers tend to follow and see if you can help), so it must be possible to request, unless it is because we don’t have any Facebook friends in common (all of the requests I get seem to be with people with “friends” in common, so that’s probably my setting, as I’ve had pretty bothersome experiences of men just trying to chat me up for no good reason other than because you are a woman, so that’s probably why).
    On the Ireland front, I did see a number of different dates and that’s why I added on my reply that it was the date when it was officially declared a Republic. The president thing is always a bit of funny one for me. I think I’ve told you that here, in Spain, the head of state (well, let’s leave the king aside) is called “president” although it should be a prime minister as this is not a republic (I wish!). Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I hope you enjoy the course and it is less fiddly with the mice.

  2. I saw that in the news. It is sad.

    1. Diego
    2. Donny & Marie
    3. the Green Party
    4. The Archers
    5. Chess

    That reminds me. I recently saw that episode of The Prisoner with the chess motif. "Checkmate"! Saw it on Pluto TV. :) That and one my favorites: "A, B, & C". :)


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