
Sunday 26 January 2020

Doctor Who — Series 12: Episode 5 — Fugitive of the Judoon — A Review

26th January, 2020.

Yep: it’s a Sunday night.

Yes: I’m at home.

Yes: the new boiler definitely is working.

You’re not near my armpits, trust me.

Which is stuff that’s possibly not relevant.

You see, I’ve been watching TV, tonight.

Episode five, of Doctor Who
’s twelfth series.

I think there’s a few twists.

After all … guess who puts in an appearance?

Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman)
Fugitive of the Judoon.
Yes … him … 


Episode 5Fugitive of the Judoon — opens with Ruth (Jo Martin) and partner, Lee (Neil Stuke) going their separate ways: after Lee forgets Ruth’s birthday.

And ALSO sees the team — Yasmin, Ryan and Graham (Mandip Gill, Toisin Cole and Bradley Walsh) — sitting down with a Doctor who’s definitely not in a good mood.

Until … ?

Until the TARDIS picks up a signal: the Judoon, the Doctor Who universe’s favourite contract police, are in Gloucester, hunting for an unknown fugitive.

A fugitive we think is Lee, at first.

Until Lee is captured by the Judoon: and gets killed by the ruthless Gat (Ritu Arya).

And Graham, Ryan and Yas are kidnapped … 

And the Doctor?

Lee has gotten a warning out to Ruth: one that tells Ruth to ‘Follow the light.   Break the glass’

A Ruth who’s taken the Doctor to the lighthouse where she grew up.

A Ruth who is so much more than she seems.

A Ruth … 

Who has her police box shaped TARDIS buried in the Lighthouse’s garden.

And who has her personality restored by breaking the glass … 

Ruth … ?

Is the Doctor.

An earlier version our Doctor can’t remember being.


Fugitive of the Judoon is the first half of a pair of episodes.

One that leaves me with one question … 

Who hired the Judoon … ?


On a different note … ?

Have I enjoyed this episode … ?

Yes, I have, over all.

Granted: I think the fact it’s a co-written episode — from the pens of Vinay Patel and Chris Chibnall, himself — made the episode seem a touch — touch — clunkier.

But no more than usual.

I also noticed that Nida Manzoor — who directed last week’s Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror — did the directing duties for this episode.

Which I think shows: although what marks that out I couldn’t tell you.

I’m a fan happy to spout off, rather than a critic.

And a fan happy to see a guest appearance from Captain Jack Harkness (Jon Barrowman), an interestingly twist of an unknown alternative Doctor, and an interesting warning.

I will say this.

Fugitive of the Judoon is a good episode: not necessarily stunning, but still: good to watch.

We’re going to have to wait until next week’s episode: to see how good the overall story is.

Come back then, folks!

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