
Sunday 12 January 2020

Dr Who — Series 12: Episode 3 — Orphan 55 — A Review

12th January, 2020.

Yes: I’ve officially spent time with my family, tonight.

And, frankly?

Spent a lot of my time with my nephew, Jude.

Watching Shaun the Sheep, in case you were wondering.

Which is … 

More fun than it sounds, to be honest.

Especially when the spider kept popping up in the bath.

At any rate … ?   And back at home?

Back at home, it’s time for the weekly ritual that is the latest episode of Doctor Who.


Episode 3Orphan 55 —sees the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) and Yas (Mandip Gill) gently removing tentacles from the TARDIS: after an especially nasty encounter.

Whilst Graham (Bradley Walsh) and Ryan (Toisin Cole)?   Manage to find a set of coupons that teleport the team of far and away: to something that’s much needed.

A holiday: at the gorgeous Tranquility Spa.

A holiday … that rapidly begins to go wrong, when the Spa in invaded by the fearsome Dregs!

Creatures that live outside the spa on the ruined surface of the planet called Orphan 55


Now … 

“What’s the verdict, Paul?” I hear you cry?

“What’s Orphan 55 like?”

I have to say, Orphan 55’s nicely written and acted: the main cast are working well together, especially Cole and Gill.

You could see a pair of friends enjoying working with each other, there.

The Dregs?   Suitably nasty.

The revelation Orphan 55, the planet, is an Earth ruined after years of environmental damage.

About my only issue?

Is the Doctor’s big speech at the end of the episode.

Granted, I suspect the big green message will play well to younger viewers.

Hell, even I can appreciate the basic point.

That the events take place on an Earth many years from now, that humanity has time to change environmental course, between now and then … 

But I feel it’s a big speech that — for some — is going to be just a little heavy handed.

Me included.

Orphan 55 is a good episode … 

But that speech?   Possibly that whole ending?   Especially given series eleven was accused of being over politically correct?   And that Star Trek does this sort of thing a lot better?

That ending could have been far more subtle.

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