
Monday 13 January 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-1-2020: Unlucky for Some.

13th January, 2020.

Right … 

I’m due to have an interview, today.

And?   And, you say … ?

Well, in theory — and as ever in these circumstances — I’m relying on the Job Centre to pay for my train ticket.

I’m a little concerned, having just checked my bank account.

I’ve got a penny.

Rather than the train fare I was expecting.


I’m going to be checking agin, later.

Equally understandably?

I’m just a little concerned.


Oh, JUST as a thought … ?

Microsoft will be ending support for Windows 7, tomorrow.

I know it’s possibly strange.   But can I leave you with a thought, if you’re using it?

You’ll need to replace it: as the ageing OS won’t be getting security updates from tomorrow.

I’d like to make a suggestion, if I may?

I’m going to suggest that — instead of spending money on a new PC, or a Windows 10 license — you back up your machine, copy you important files to a USB stick.

And plonk a version of Linux on there*.

Just to see what a different operating system looks like.

You can always return to Windows, later: if you don’t like what you see.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) As it’s the 13th day of the year?   Is 13 a prime number?
Q2) Is thirteen a Fibonacci number?
Q3) What’s 13²?   (Thirteen squared?)
Q4) What’s 13 … written in Roman numerals?
Q5) If you’re a Jewish boy, you have a coming of age ceremony at the age of 13.   What’s this ceremony called?
Q6) The Thirteen Classics are classics in which country’s literature?
Q7) There’s thirteen cards in each suit of standard playing cards.   How many suits are there?
Q8) The Major Arcana of the Tarot deck has twenty two cards.   What, traditionally, is the thirteenth?
Q9) What’s the thirteenth book of the Bible.   (In other words?   The thirteenth book of the King James Version of the Old Testament used in the UK.)
Q10) Thirteen is considered to be a lucky number in which country: Italy, Spain or France?
Q11) 13 is the youngest age you can what: have a credit card, what get into an 18 film or join Facebook?
Q12) Which form of Rugby has thirteen on field players per team: League or Union?
Q13) Finally … ?   Who released an album called 13, in 1999?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) All in the Family debut in the US: on 12th January, 1971.   Who was the show’s main character: Alf Garnett, Archie Bunker or Desmond Ambrose?
Q2) Who played that main character?
Q3) The main character’s wife was played by Jean Stapleton.   What was the character’s name?
Q4) The main character’s best friend — Jerome ‘Stretch’ Cunningham — was played by James Cromwell.   Who did Cromwell play in I, Robot?
Q5) Finally … ?   The show was inspired — in part — by British sit-com?
Here’s a thought …
“When I was thirteen I only wanted to be a drummer.”
Ringo Starr.
And a song^ …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Ubuntu and Mint Linux are popular, at the moment: and user friendly.   Let me know if they appeal.

†        Actually?   The tight lips are unsurprising news, there, Olga.   I think it’s fairly common for actors to have various riders in their contracts: that basically mean a cast member can’t talk about a project until the studios SAY they can.   Patrick Stewart’s only started the publicity for Star Trek Picard, comparatively recently.   And yes: I’ve a couple of things to check out, I know that!   (Messiah looks interesting.)

‡        A pleasure as ever, Debbi!   Oh, did Rick manage to find/install VLC?

^        Have you heard the guitar sound on that record?   Wow!


  1. Q1) Yes
    Q2) Yes
    Q3) 169
    Q4) XIII
    Q5) Bar Mitzvah
    Q6) China
    Q7) Four
    Q8) Death
    Q9) Chronicles 1 (or First Book of Chronicles)
    Q10) Italy
    Q11) Join Facebook
    Q12) Rugby League
    Q13) Blur

  2. Oh, good luck with the interview! (First getting the money, then the interview). Sorry, I pressed the button too quickly

  3. I found it and will pass along with info! Thanks! :)

    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. 169
    4. XIII
    5. bar mitzvah
    6. China
    7. four
    8. Death
    9. 1 Chronicles
    10. Italy
    11. join Facebook
    12. Rugby League
    13. Blur


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