
Monday 20 January 2020

For All Mankind — Series 1: Episode 1 — Red Moon — A Review

20th January, 2020.

I have to confess, I’ve had a quiet day … 


I’m jobhunting, at the moment: and, as you might guess?

A lack of cash, and bad weather … means staying in.

And waiting the interminable wait of the man … waiting for his boiler to be fixed.


No, don’t!

It’s a very long story.

At any rate … ?

At any rate, I’m indoors: and thinking I should be watching something a tough different.

At least … different for me … 


Red Moon.

In other words, episode one of the first series of AppleTV+’s For All Mankind.

It seems …  hmmm … 

Let’s do a summary, shall we?


Episode 1 — Red Moon — opens by showing people across the world watching the first man to land on the moon do so: planting a Soviet flag whilst there.

Back on Earth?

Edward Baldwin (Joel Kinnaman) within in a bar with friends from his well paid job at NASA.

He and his fellows?   Including Gordo Stevens (Michael Dorman)?

Are not happy about what they are watching: as the Soviet craft — and Alexei Leonov, the first man on the moon in this version of history — has beaten NASA to the Moon.

Their Apollo 11 is due launch in a few weeks time.

Edward and Gordo’s boss, Deke (Chris Bauer) isn’t happy.

Deke’s boss, Dr Werner von Braun (Colm Feore) is distinctly unhappy … 

And Edward’s wife, Karen (Shantel VanSanten) is really not impressed that Edward has talked to the press about the job … 

And not her.

Given that … ?

The upcoming Apollo 11 launch is looking shaky!


Did I enjoy this opening episode of For All Mankind?

I have to say, I did.

Granted Apple are relatively new at the TV show business … 

But, in episode one of For All Mankind, they seem to have made an intriguing opening episode of a series that could — given enough support, and enough viewers —do well.

As I think it already has: the show’s Wikipedia entry tells me a second series has been commissioned.


I’m impressed enough for now, to want to see episode 2.

We’ll have to see when that is … 

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