
Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28-1-2020: Canada’s Flagging … 

28th January, 2020.

It’s official: I have earache!

Mild, at best.

And blameable on the fact I need to get them syringed.

Of course, the problem with that … ?

Simply that my GP’s no longer do it.

I’d have to go private.

Where I’m supposed to get the seventy pounds to pay for it in the one private place in town that does it?

I don’t know!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Olga scoring ten out of ten, and Debbi on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 28th January saw Canada’s Parliament choose its flag.   What leaf is featured on the Canadian flag?
Q2) 28th January saw Canada’s Parliament choose its flag.   In which year of the 1960s?
Q3) What — according to the Wikipedia entry — is the French term for the Canadian flag?
Q4) Name either colour in the Canadian flag.
Q5) The flag was the result of a committee formed by Lester B. Pearson.   Pearson was the then what of Canada: Governor General, Prime Minister or Attorney General?
Q6) Finally … ?   The flag was formally adopted on which date: 13th February, 14th February or 15th February?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 27th January saw the birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.   In which year?
A1) 1756.
Q2) In which Austrian city?
A2) Salzburg.
Q3) His first few works — K1a to K1f, in the official, Köchel catalogue — were written when Mozart was how old: four, five or six?
A3) Five.
Q4) One of his earliest operas — Mitridate, re di Ponto (K.87) — was written in which year: 1769, 1770 or 1771?
A4) 1770.
Q5) From 1773 to 1777, Mozart was a court musician: where?
A5) Salzburg.
Q6) Between 1777 and 1778, Mozart visited which French city?
A6) Paris.
Q7) The Symphony he composed there, was either: Symphony No. 30 in D major, Symphony No. 31 in D major or Symphony No. 32 in D major?
Q8) 1781 saw Mozart moving to the Austrian capital city.   What’s that city’s name?
A8) Vienna.
Q9) Mozart’s Die Entführung aus dem Serail translates into English as The Abduction from the …where?
A9) Seraglio.
Q10) Finally … ?   Mozart joined a masonic Lodge in 1784.   Which Mozart opera was by his being a Mason?
Here’s a thought …
“The flag is the symbol of the nation’s unity, for it, beyond any doubt, represents all the citizen’s of Canada without the distinction of race, language, belief or opinion.”
Honourable Maurice Bourget, Speaker of the Senate.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Your computer’s getting old, you say, Olga?   You know, me and Debbi are possibly going to be pointing you at one of these … !   They do discounts for small business people, like writers, and for academics.   And Quicktime can record audio in industry standard formats that radio stations will be able to deal with.   Oh, and the Spanish keyboards have an ‘Ñ’ button …   Moving rapidly on … ?   I’ve GOT to admit, I have to get some more Mozart: although — from what I recall of Amadeus? — he could be quite a handful … !

†        Trust me, Debbi, it’s … interesting … !   I don’t know who’ll be more shocked by that kiss, you or Bradley Walsh … 


  1. Q1) A Maple tree leaf
    Q2) 1965
    Q3) L’Unifolié (Le drapeau du Canada, but that’s just the flag of Canada, so I assume you meant the other)
    Q4) White (and red)
    Q5) Prime Minister
    Q6) 15th February
    Shouldn't they be offering the service at the GP or some alternative? I suggest formally complaining or you could request a referral to ENT. Or both. (I was going to suggest getting your hearing checked, as that is free in many places that offer hearing aids, but I know when my mother goes to get hers checked, if they found excess wax, they send her to her GP).
    Regarding Apple, you know my opinion. Unless somebody buys me one as a gift, or they drop their prices to those of a PC or similar, there's no way Jose. I'd rather spend the money on something else (or donate it to a better cause than Apple's bank account). As I don't make any money from writing and the translations are not regular enough, I can't really class myself as a business here, so that's not an option.
    I use an external keyboard (and mouse), Logitech, and to tell you the truth, I've been resisting changing it (although it is getting quite old too) because here I can only get the Spanish version, and after so many years using the English one, I'm not sure I'd get used to it. The letters are in the same places, though, but yes... Of course, swapping from one version of the keyboard to the other is very easy anyway.

  2. A1 Maple

    A2 1965

    A3 le drapeau du Canada

    A4 Red and White

    A5 Prime Minister

    A6 15th February

    As you wanted more Mozart here is his birth place. Now a museum which I have visited a couple of times. I like central Salzburg as every thing is within easy walking distance.

    Just up the road from Mozart’s birthplace is a McDonald's which has to follow local law and have a metal almost medieval sign. I as in this country avoided going into the place.

    Not sure wshat happened to the pictures that wsere in the text.

  3. Pretty amazing episode all around! :) Yas had actual lines and got to act like a cop. At last! Yay!!!

    1. the maple leaf
    2. 1965
    3. l'Unifolié
    4. red and white
    5. Prime Minister
    6. 15th February


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