
Wednesday 29 January 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29-1-2020: We’re Not In Kansas, Anymore …

29th January, 2020.

It’s officially official.

I’ve had some financial help from my family: so that I can get at least one ear syringed, privately.

The ear that — currently — is throbbing like bonkers.

The appointment?

Is tomorrow … 

It’s going to be a very long day … 


One sad bit of news, yesterday?

Was simply the death — at the age of 96 — of Nicolas Parsons.

Aged 96.   That’s one hell of a good innings … 

And one hell of a career: some 72 years!

His death … ?   Means Just a Minute will not be the same … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring six out of six.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 29th January saw Kansas admitted to the USA.   In which year?
Q2) What’s the capital of Kansas?
Q3) What the largest city — city, rather than metropolitan area — in Kansas?
Q4) There’s a Kansas City in Kansas, a Kansas City in Oregon … and a Kansas City … where?
Q5) The state was known as Bleeding Kansas, before being admitted.   In arguments over which ‘S’?
Q6) Kansas is part of which US area: New England, the Midwest, or the Pacific North West?
Q7) The fictional Dorothy Gale was from Kansas.   She — famously — features in which 1900 children’s book?
Q8) Kansas Saloon Smashers was the first film fo be set in Kansas.   It was released in which year?
Q9) Which comic book character grew up in Smallville, Kansas?
Q10) Finally … ?   Dan and Frank Carney are from Wichita, Kansas.   They founded which restaurant chain?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 28th January saw Canada’s Parliament choose its flag.   What leaf is featured on the Canadian flag?
A1) A maple leaf.
Q2) 28th January saw Canada’s Parliament choose its flag.   In which year of the 1960s?
A2) 1965.
Q3) What — according to the Wikipedia entry — is the French term for the Canadian flag?
A3) Le drapeau du Canada: or l’Unifolié.
Q4) Name either colour in the Canadian flag.
A4) Red or white.
Q5) The flag was the result of a committee formed by Lester B. Pearson.   Pearson was the then what of Canada: Governor General, Prime Minister or Attorney General?
A5) Prime Minister.
Q6) Finally … ?   The flag was formally adopted on which date: 13th February, 14th February or 15th February?
A6) 15th February.
Here’s a thought …
“When anything is going to happen in this country, it happens first in Kansas.”
William Allen White.
And a song by Kansas native, Melissa Etheridge …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Reming me to not mention Apple, again, Olga! :D   At any rate … ?   Thankfully, my family’s helping with the ear syringing.   But yes: it’s something my GP used to do: I suspect that the budget’s at fault here.   According to the nurse I spoke to about it … ?   ‘The machine’s keep breaking … ’   Hmmm … !   On other fronts … ?   Logitech’s a good branch, I seem to recall.   Although they don’t do left handed versions of their high end mice.   You can imagine my thinking, there.

†        What can I tell you, Trevor?   Except that — as far as I can tell — Blogger’s never let people add photos to comments.    You CAN use the HTML ‘a’ tag to link to them!

‡        Wasn’t it good, Debbi?   Nice to know Yas is getting some space, I know that!   (Just in case you read the bit about Nicolas Parsons, Debbi?   He was the host of that panel show David Tennant was on, a few years ago: where you had to talk for a minute.   And he was in an old Sylvester McCoy story, too.)


  1. Q1) 1861
    Q2) Topeka
    Q3) Wichita
    Q4) Missouri
    Q5) Slavery
    Q6) The Midwest
    Q7) The Wizard of Oz
    Q8) 1901
    Q9) Superman
    Q10) Pizza Hut
    Sad news, although as you say, he had a long life and seemed to enjoy what he did (and brought enjoyment to many). I hope the ear doesn't bother you too much. I used to syringe (all fashioned version) my patient's ears when they didn't have access to a GP and it usually worked out well (low-tech and cheap). By the way, if you use olive oil, olive oil drops are a good way to soften the wax (the pharmacists were not always pleased when I prescribed those drops, but once I jokingly told them I was trying to keep my country's economy going and they didn't bother me any more after that!).
    I think the issue with my computer is to do with some software update or other, rather than with the physical computer, so now I'm trying to check all, update everything, and try to guess what it might be. I've tried most of the suggestions online, other than rebooting the whole thing, but I'll see.

  2. I always liked Sylvestor McCoy's take on the Doctor. :)

    1. 1861
    2. Topeka
    3. Wichita
    4. Missouri
    5. slavery
    6. the Midwest
    7. The Wizard of Oz
    8. 1901
    9. Superman
    10. Pizza Hut


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