
Friday 31 January 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31-1-2020: Leaving on a Jet Plane

31st January, 2020.

Right … let me put the in print … so to speak …
“The insularity of the English, their refusal to take foreigners seriously, is a folly that has to be paid for heavily from time to time.”
From ‘England, Your England’, The Lion and the Unicorn essay collection, by George Orwell.
I have to admit, I’ve been reading Orwell’s The Lion and the Unicorn over the past few days.

That quote?

That quote seemed both apt … … 

And relevant: given what we’re leaving, at eleven o’clock tonight.

We’re leaving the European Union.

And, speaking as a Remain voter?

I think we’re making the biggest mistake of our lives.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mr Strict† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga And Debbi on  five out of five, and Mr S on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Unless further extensions are granted, 31st January, 2020 sees the UK leave which European group?
Q2) The UK will do so under the terms of which Article?
Q3) That article is known as the what clause?
Q4) The UK’s leaving was a major factor in its most recent general election.   That election was in which year?
Q5) Finally … ?   How many member nations will the organisation have: once Britain leaves … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 30th January saw Kiss play their first gig: for an audience of three people.   In which year of the 1970s?
A1) 1973.
Q2) The classic Kiss line up includes Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Peter Criss and Paul Daniel ‘Ace’ Frehley.   Which of them was the band’s bassist?
A2) Gene Simmons.
Q3) Ace Frehley played what: lead guitar, rhythm guitar or drums?
A3) Lead guitar.
Q4) Eric Singer is the band’s current drummer.   Peter Criss was the band’s original drummer.   Both wear the same make-up design on stage.   Which make-up: the Catman, the Demon or the Star child?
A4) The Catman.
Q5) Finally … ?   The band’s first appearance in a comic strip was with which comic book figure?
A5) Howard the Duck.
Here’s a thought …
“Let me be clear. Leaving Europe would threaten our economic and our national security.”
David Cameron.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Hmmm … Have you checked the router, as well, Olga^?   That might help.   As might hooking your laptop up by cable: although I realise that’s not a long term solution.   It’s a strange one …   Hmmm … you know, getting hold of a wi-fi adapter might help.   At ANY rate … ?   The ear syringing went well: although the actual procedure involved a miniature vacuum cleaner.   Ouch is putting it mildly!   My mum’s old line, “You could grow spuds in that,” sprang to mind!   (Oh … Have you thought about putting a version of Linux on your mother notebook?   One or two are supposed to be very easy for silver surfers to use: a LOT easier than Windows.)

†        Morning, Mr S!

‡        Funny old thing, Debbi, the BBC’s released season 26 on Blu-Ray.   One of the extra’s is a trailer with an older Ace: one in charge of a charity.   You DO know McCoy saved Sophie Aldred’s life in Battlefield?   Apparently, the tank she’s supposed to be trapped in … ?   Cracked … 

^        Oh, Olga … ?   Have I suggested turning it off and on again … ?


  1. Actually, Olga, I’ know you’de rather not dual-boot on your main laptop? But it could prove useful.

    If the linux OS doesn’t get the same issue? It’s a problem with Windows. If it does, it could well be the wi-fi card.

  2. Q1) The European Union
    Q2) Article 50
    Q3) The withdrawal clause
    Q4) 2019
    Q5) 27
    Good luck with the Brexit thing. I know what you think and you know what I think, but perhaps we'll be wrong. My cousin also suggested the adapter, that I've ordered. In any case, the laptop shut down with a couple of messages, and one seemed to have to do with the anti-Malware programme I use (Malwarebytes) and my cousin suggested checking for updates (yes, it's supposed to update itself, but it hadn't), and I also followed a couple of other suggestions I saw (turning off the Bluetooth, as that sometimes interferes, and some other things...). Anyway... fingers crossed but so far it's been working. I'm not holding my breath but...
    I'll have to investigate the possibility of trying something else for my mother's notebook, although it might have to wait for a while (I am hoping to do an intensive course in March, just to get the certification to teach English, and I must finish another project before that). I'll let you know about the course, because I might not have time to join the teaser, at least on week days, while I'm completing it.

  3. Really? I didn't know that.

    1. the European Union
    2. Article 50 of the Treaty on the EU
    3. the withdrawal clause
    4. 2019
    5. 27

  4. Oh, my, but I love Sylvester McCoy! And Sophie Aldred! :) Brilliant!

    Good luck, UK! Hang in there, guys!


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