
Saturday 1 February 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-2-2020: Imbolc

1st February, 2020.

Right the … 

We’re out of it.

The UK has left the EU, and entered the implementation period that gives us time to negotiate a trade deal.


I think any deal we make, won’t be as good as the one we had, whiles a member.


Those in receipt of EU grants are going to lose out.

We lose membership of the European Space Agency, and other scientific bodies.

And … those of us living in Europe will have a devil of a time of it … 

We have seriously screwed up.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 1st February will see many pagans marking Imbolc.   The festival marks the start of what: spring, summer, autumn or winter?
Q2) You’re supposed to visit a holy what at Imbolc: holy well, holy wood or stone circle?
Q3) You’re supposed to around that place, how: sunwise or widdershins?
Q4) It’s also a traditional time for weather divination.   Many would what to see if which mammal would appear: the groundhog, squirrel or badger?
Q5) Finally … ?   Imbolc is associated with which saint?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Unless further extensions are granted, 31st January, 2020 sees the UK leave which European group?
A1) The EU.
Q2) The UK will do so under the terms of which Article?
Q3) That clause is known as the what clause?
Q4) The UK’s leaving was a major factor in its most recent general election.   That election was in which year?
A4) 2019.
Q5) Finally … ?   How many member nations will the organisation have: once Britain leaves … ?
A5) 27.
Here’s a thought …
“This is the earliest of the celebrations, marking the purity of snow, the clearing of the debris of winter, the First Ploughing and sowing.”
From Imbolc, by The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I really hope we are, Olga.   I can’t help but think both sides are losing more than they gain.   There’s the ESA, for starters!   Oy … !   Just as a thought on MalwareBytes?   Have you tried deleting it … then re-installling it‡?   That occasionally works for me, with uppity apps.   As for you’re Mum’s notebook … ?   There’s a cross-platform app called balenaEtcher: that lets you put a Linux installer — the ones they call disc images, or ISO files — onto a USB stick.   Handily, these work as what they call live discs.   In other words, you can boot your mother’s notebook from it, to see how the OS works.   It’s a try-before-you-buy option.   I’ve had a quick Goggle: Puppy Linux is supposed to be good for older people.   But doesn’t seem to be supported, much.   Ubuntu and Mint Linux are both popular.   (Ubuntu’s games are quite fun, too.)

†        Yep: it could’ve got quite nasty, even after they got her out, Debbi.   If I recall correctly, they had to smash the tank open to get her out.   Given the amount of water, in a TV studio with lots of electrical cabling … well … it could’ve been really nasty!   I think McCoy And Aldred’s reputation as an action duo is well deserved.   Then there’s The Greatest Show in the Galaxy.   I still have this memory of the Seventh Doctor walking calmly away from an exploding circus … 

‡        The first thing I’d do, on a Mac, Olga?   I’d suspect that what they call the Malwarebyte’s .plist file would be playing up.   It’s the list of my settings for the app, and there would be a separate one for each account on my machine.   All I’d have to do is trash the plist file and restart the app.   From what I know, the Windows equivalent would be an entry in what they call the Registry … and editing that’s supposed to be a swine!   It’s got entries for everything!


  1. Q1) Spring
    Q2) A holy well
    Q3) sunwise
    Q4) a badger?
    Q5) Saint Brigid
    Although I visited Ireland with my parents in the summer, I did go to one of the holy wells and got a Saint Brigid Cross and a doll...
    Fingers crossed, but it's working so far. I've had problems with Malwarebytes before (it does get rid of a lot of things, but sometimes their updates are a bit slow), although if I remember correctly it was clashing with Word rather than with the whole system, but installing the newest update seems to have done the trick so far. (I have done the uninstall and reinstall before as well. The problem with these things is that if you do a lot of them at the same time, you're never sure what might have worked, but by then you don't care).
    Yes, nobody knows what will happen next but the only constant is change. I sometimes get the feeling that the Brits (not all, but the country as such) lives by the philosophy of not wanting to be a member of any club that would have them as a member unless they are the ones in charge. Not exclusive enough, I guess!

  2. Just as a — ha! — final thought, Olga?

    There’s a version of Ubuntu doing the rounds called Ubuntu Budgie that looks like it could be ideal.

    It’s being promoted as simple to use, and good on older/lower spec, machines.

  3. Love it! :)

    Sorry about the whole Brexit mess. We're enjoying our own political debacles on this side of the pond. :) Ah, well. Cheers, mate!

    1. spring
    2. holy well
    3. sunwise
    4. badger
    5. Saint Brigid


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