
Thursday 20 February 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20-2-2020: Rihanna

20th February, 2020.

Right … I’m eternally grateful to YouTube!

I woke up this morning, with Steve Earle’s Copperhead Road ear-worming its way through my head.

But managed to replace it … 

With Rihanna’s Pon de Replay.

Which has now, stubbornly, taken up residence.

I may have to start listening to the theme tune to El Ministerio del Tiempo* … 

Alonso and company manage to chase most things off … 



Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 20th February saw the birth of singer, Rihanna.   In which country?
Q2) In which year?
Q3) What was the first label she signed with?
Q4) Her first UK number 1 was in 2007.   Called Umbrella, it featured Rihanna as the main singer.   And featured a rap from whom?
Q5) Finally … ?   What’s Rihanna’s first name?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Fred Rogers’ show — Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood — debuted nationally19, in the US: on 19th February, 1968.   Who plays Fred in the film, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood?
A1) Tom Hanks.
Q2) 19th February, 1992, saw the debut of the musical, Crazy for You.   George Gershwin wrote the music.   Who wrote the lyrics?
A2) His brother, Ira Gershwin.
Q3) Deng Xiaoping died on 19th February, 1997.   He’d been leader of where: the Republic of China, the People’s Republic of China or Manchukuo?
A3) The People’s Republic of China.   The Republic of China is Taiwan, Manchukuo the part of north-east China that was conquered by Japan, during World War 2: it’s usually called Manchuria.
Q4) Actor, Ray Winstone, was born on 19th February, 1957.   In which series did he play Will Scarlet?
A4) Robin of Sherwood.   (Which, frankly?   Was a lot better than the BBC’s 2006 series.   The latter?   Was wetter than a damp squibb.)
Q5) Finally … ?   Until sunset, 19th February, 2020, is 24th Shvat, 5780.   In which calendar?
A5) The Jewish calendar.
Here’s a thought …
“My mother would kill me if I posed nude. She raised me with certain standards.”
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        El Ministerio del Tiempo is Spain’s best kept secret.   The series tells the story of Spain’s Ministry of Time: a fictional ministry with access to time travel, a horde of well trained agents … and a bunch of auxiliaries happy to complain about the fact the Christmas bonus has been cancelled … !   The theme tune’s actually an accurate description of the initial characters.   The first 19/20 seconds or so?  Are about Julian, mourning his wife during series one and two.   The next nine or ten?   That’s former soldier, Alonso, eternally marching off to the next mission.   From the 29th second?   We have the lady Amelia: complete with a really delicate cuppa, and a habit of very delicately, but very incisively, eyeing things up.   Olga, Debbi, have I gone over the top, there … ?

†      Yeah, there’s something in there, Olga: the admin password I mentioned^.   On a private individual’s, it wouldn’t necessary have been set up.   I’m going to borrow my sister’s PC: I’m willing to bet she hasn’t set it up, so I’ll be able to check the process has worked.   (He couldn’t open the laptop?   You mean, lift the screen up?   Sound like a broken hinge!)

‡        It’s looking good, Debbi, I know that!   Oh, have you seen a film called Fishermen’s Friends?   It’s very good!   Based on a true story, too: about a bunch of singing fishermen.   (The band named themselves after a brand of cough sweets!)

^        It’s a bit more secure, that way.   Unfortunately?   Whoever set it up, DIDN’T switch on the bit that lets you change the mouse buttons around.   I, as a left hander?   Can’t use their mice, left-handedly.


  1. Q1) Barbados
    Q2) 1988
    Q3) Def Jam
    Q4) Jay-Z
    Q5) Robyn
    Oh, good job you’ve mentioned El ministerio del tiempo! I keep forgetting to mention than since Monday they’ve been showing a teaser on RTVE about it (basically they say nothing about when it will start, but show images and snippets). It’s coming… (I didn’t find much info on their website other than talking about both Julian and Pacino being back and some photos).
    When I said my cousin couldn’t open the laptop, I meant that my particular laptop at the time, rather than just opening, had a catch on one side you had to slide before it would open, but he didn’t even think to look for it and after just trying to open it asked me to do it. That’s why I said that sometimes the simplest things can trip us (or as Oscar Wilde used to say, “In exams stupid people ask questions that clever people can’t answer”). Good luck with your sister’s laptop.

  2. Haven't seen that, but recently saw Knives Out. That was fun! A very good movie. Daniel Craig as an American private eye. Gotta love it.

    1. Barbados
    2. 1988
    3. Def Jam Recordings
    4. Jay-Z
    5. Robyn


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