
Monday 16 March 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-3-2020: The Number Sixteen

16th March, 2020.

Right, then: I’ve got The Faceless Ones, the reconstructed Dr Who story, on blu-ray.

I’m happy.

And happily ripping it, so that I can watch it later.


It’s the last of the birthday presents to turn up.

And, equally as frankly?   It actually turned up, yesterday.

A day before the formal release.

I’m not complaining.


I will complain — or, at least, make a point — at this stage.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker saw its US release on Friday 13th: a few days early.

US release, I should add.

The UK release?

Is at the end of April.


I think that’s not necessarily good.

I think that’s going to encourage people in the UK to download from torrent sharing sites.

But, hey … what do I know … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) It’s the 16th March.   16 is what squared?
Q2) 16 is 2 to the power of what?
Q3) 16 is the minimum age of consent, where: the UK, France or Italy?
Q4) What’s 16: in Roman numerals?
Q5) What’s 16: in binary?
Q6) What’s 16: in base 16 notation?
Q7) Base 16 is also known as hexa … what?
Q8) There are 16 ounces in a Avoirdupois what?
Q9) There are 16 pawns in which board game?
Q10) Finally … ?   The Imperial Seal of Japan has 16 petals.   The seal is a symbolic what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 15th March, 1935, saw the birth of actor, Judd Hirsch.   In which series did he play Alex Rieger?
A1) Taxi.
Q2) Somalia and Ethiopia sign a truce that ended Ethio-Somali War: on 15th March of which year?
A2) 1978.
Q3) 51 people were killed in an attack on a mosque in Christchurch: on 15th March, 2019.   Mosque, city and shootings were in which country?
A3) New Zealand.
Q4) 15th March, 1962, saw the birth of singer, Terence Trent D’arby.   What — in 2001 — did he change his name to … ?
Q5) Finally … ?  15th March, 1961, saw South Africa withdraw from the … what?
Here’s a thought …
“Did I think he was ‘the one?’ Iʼll never know. At sixteen, everyone is ‘the one.’”
Ten Tiny Breaths, K.A. Tucker.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Buy tobacco, Olga‡?   Now that’s what I call counter-intuitive!   It’s sounding complicated over there.   Actually … you’re not the first person to mention the homeless, in all this: there’s at least one MP who’s asking for safe spaces to be set up for the homeless.   They’ve suggested converted office spaces.   Which would be an issue in Brentwood: every spare office near me has already been turned into posh flats!   And yes: I’m with you on cabin fever!   (Oh, apparently?   France went ahead with its elections … )

†        It’s amazing how frequently that one turns up, Debbi‡!   Oh, keep your eyes peeled for Dr Who reviews …

‡        Found it!   Meant to flag this cartoon up for you … !

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Funny.

    1. 4
    2. 4
    3. the UK
    4. XVI
    5. 10000
    6. 10
    7. decimal
    8. one pound
    9. chess
    10. chrysanthemum


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