
Saturday 25 April 2020

Gris Gris -- Dr John

25th April, 2020.

It has to be said, I've been writing this blog for a long time, now.

Twelve years or so: you can read that first post, here.

Often enough that getting stuck in a video making rut can be …

Well …
Doubleplusunfun, to paraphrase Orwell.

At any rate … ?

I'm not getting tired of watching a good film, or TV shows.

I just wanted to tell you there's other stuff on my hard drive.

Like music, for example.

There's possibly all sorts lurking around.

Many years ago, I was having something of a rough spot.

One of the darkest I'd possibly had.

Getting visitors was …

Well, bloody hard work, lets put it that way.

One set were a very old friend and her husband … complete with a bootleg taped copy of Doctor John's debut LP, Gris Gris*: named for a type of voodoo amulet.

It was like nothing I'd ever heard, before or since.

From start to finish … !

The only practical way I have of thanking them?

Is to share it with you.

If the good Doctor and his band weren't on form when they recorded this?

I don't know who would've been!
 *        There's a song on there called Croker Courtbullion.   Pronounced COO bee yon, so you know.   It's possibly my favourite song on the album.   At the moment.   Which is like saying you've only got one favourite child … out of the dozen you've got.   Then there's the mid-eight in Croker Courtbullion.   I swear, one day, I'll figure the mid-eight out!

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