
Saturday 25 April 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-4-2020: Al Pacino

25th March, 2020

Well, finally … !

You’ve possibly guessed I’m a lot of things.

Including someone living with diabetes.

We’re supposed to avoid some foods, and try and eat others.

No, don’t ask: I’m still learning about it.

I do know I’m supposed to eat more sweet potatoes: in addition to, or replacement for, regular ones.

And?   In case you didn’t know it, there’s at least two different types: red sweet potatoes and white sweet potatoes.

Frankly, I’m getting heartily sick of the common red sweet potatoes.

So, finding a couple of bags of the white ones in Sainbury’s, yesterday?

Was a welcome thing!


Oh, are you on Instagram?

It’s strikes me it’s a useful service.


I don’t know about you, but I’ve had another attempt at a scam.

A woman calling herself Sheryl Sandberg managed to get in touch.

And managed to video call me to make an unconvincing attempt top show me what she looked like … by showing me her on screen picture … 

I blocked her.

You don’t need that, when you’re shopping … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Trevor and Olga  scoring ten out of ten, and Debbi on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 25th April saw the birth of actor, Al Pacino.   In which year of the 1940s?
Q2) ‘Al’ is actually short for what?
Q3) He first appeared on stage in 1967: in a play called Awake and Sing.   The theatre he performed in was in which US city?
Q4) His first film appearance was in a minor role in Me, Natalie.   In which year of the 1960s?
Q5) He got his first Oscar nomination for which gangster movie?
Q6) Al plays bank robber, Sonny Wortzik: in which 1975 film?
Q7) Scarface saw Al playing Tony … who?
Q8) Al is a method actor.   Method acting is based on Stanislawski’s system.   As developed by whom: Sir Henry Irving, Lionel Barrymore or Lee Strasberg?
Q9) Al won his only Best Actor Oscar fro which 1992 film?
Q10) Finally … ?   In which year of the 1970s did Al appear in Serpico?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Is 24 an odd or even number?
A1) Even.
Q2) Is 24 a prime number?
A2) No.
Q3) What’s 24: in binary?
A3) 11000₂.
Q4) There are 24 items in two dozen.   How man items are there in one dozen?
A4) 12.
Q5) There are 24 hours in a day: on Earth.   A Martian solar day, or sol, is 24 hours … and how many minutes?
A5) 39.
Q6) A tesseract has 24 faces.   It’s the four dimensional version of what: the tetrahedron, the cube or the octahedron?
A6) The cube.
Q7) One hundred percent pure gold contains 24 … what?
A7) Carats.   (Or karats in US spelling.)
Q8) The Elder Furthark has 24 what?
A8) Runes.
Q9) There are 24 points on a backgammon board.   Each player has how many pieces?
A9) Fifteen.   (15).
Q10) Finally … ?   Who plays Jack Bauer in the TV series, 24?
Here’s a thought …
“Did you know I started out as a stand-up comic? People don’t believe me when I tell them.”
Al Pacino.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It might just be worth a go, Trevor.   Didn’t you say you’d worked on one of the LEOs?   (Apparently, they were manufactured by English Electric: possibly the only company with an OMD album named after them.)

†        You’re right, Olga^, he’d be a very good example of how not to do it!   Him … and possibly John Prescott!   At any rate … ?   Isn’t history complicated?!

‡        Yeah: that … and ‘Now Read On,’ Debbi.   I’ve managed to lift that from Terry Pratchett and use it in the introsª!

^        What IS the Spanish word for ‘misunderestimated’ … ?

ª        I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it agin: if you want to see wizards fighting each other with magic swords, Star Wars is a good place to start.


  1. Q1) 1940
    Q2) Alfredo
    Q3) Boston
    Q4) 1969
    Q5) The Godfather
    Q6) Dog Day Afternoon
    Q7) Montana
    Q8) Lee Strasberg
    Q9) Scent of a Woman
    Q10) 1973
    I'll have to think about misunderestimated in Spanish. We have our share of stupid politicians (it seems to go with the territory), but most tend to be either right out liars and/or rude. There's too much spin these days and other than people like Trump, most tend to have somebody who reins them back. Oh, I'm happy to hear you found the white sweet potatoes.
    Oh, by the way, they've started advertising El Ministerio del Tiempo, this time with a proper trailer (showing images of Julian dressed as a soldier and with a mention of coming back in style, but no dates as yet. "Coming soon" kind of thing). Fingers crossed!

  2. Leo 1 was in use before I started Infant school (kindergarten). The computer that I work on at Crittall Hope windows in Braintree and was made by the British computer firm with one of the longest names English Electric-Leo-Marconi. It was a contract that I had to finish on time due to the fact that i was getting married. It was the first time that I worked in Essex. Working in Braintree and staying in a pub in Silver End during the week.

    The Leo computers were made by J. Lyons & Co. a British restaurant chain, food manufacturing, and hotel conglomerate.

    A1 !940

    A2 Alfredo

    A3 Boston

    A4 1969

    A5 The Godfather

    A6 Dog Day Afternoon

    A7 Antonio "Tony" Montana

    A8 Lee Strasberg

    A9 Scent of a Woman

    A10 1973

  3. Mythic stuff that Star Wars! :)

    1. 1940
    2. Alfredo
    3. Boston
    4. 1969
    5. The Godfather
    6. Dog Day Afternoon
    7. Tony Montana
    8. Lee Strasberg
    9. Scent of a Woman
    10. 1973


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