
Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14th April, 2020.

14th April, 2020.

Right at the moment … ?

It’s Tuesday: and just gone ten to eight.


I’m going to be heading up to town, later: to pick up my diabetes medication.

And to get some shopping.

After a two week holiday?   Sainsbury’s have added some offers to my Nectar card.

Including for white fleshed sweet potatoes.

I hope they’ve got some.

I’m getting heartily sick of the red ones!


Oh, just as a quick thought?

A robotics engineer in California has scored scored some brownie points.

By building an experimental ventilator: out of easily available parts, a lot of open source code … and a Raspberry Pi, Britain’s best selling computer.

The thing’s currently getting testing in Colombia.


Someone in the UK will pick that up.

It sounds like it could be an ideal solution, here in the UK.

Especially given that the Pi, the best selling British computer ever made?

Is British!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring ten out ten..

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 14th April, 1699, saw the Sikh religion start organising itself.   That organised form calls itself which ‘K’?
Q2) 14th April, 1578, saw the birth of Philip 3rd of Spain.   He’s also known as Philip the what: Good, Bold or Pious?
Q3) 14th April, 1904, saw the birth of John Gielgud.   He played Cassius in a 1953 film version of which of Shakespeare’s plays?
Q4) Singer, Loretta Lynn, was born on 14th April, 1932: in which US state?
Q5) Finally … ?   14th April, 1958, saw the birth of actor, Peter Capaldi.   Peter’s second cousin, once removed, is a well known singer.   Which well known singer?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 13th April 2020, is a Monday.   When was the last year it was a Monday?
A1) 2015.
Q2) The name, Monday, roughly means what: Moon day, sun day or star day?
A2) Moon day.
Q3) Jelune is the word for Monday, in which British language: English, Welsh, Cornish or Manx?
A3) Manx.
Q4) According to ISO 8601, Monday is which day of the week: first, second or third?
A4) First.
Q5) Mondays are one day of the week in which Muslims are encouraged to voluntarily what?
A5) Fast.
Q6) In Jewish tradition, what is traditionally read on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays?
A6) The Torah.
Q7) Whit Monday is the Monday after what: Pentecost, Easter Sunday or Christmas Day?
A7) Pentecost.
Q8) Blue Monday is said to be the most depressing day of the year.   It’s usually seen as the third Monday in which month?
A8) January.
Q9) Blue Monday was a 1984 hit for which band: Joy Division, John Foxx or New Order?
A9) New Order.
Q10) Finally … ?   Big Monday is a show on sports channel, ESPN.   It usually shows which sport: American football, baseball or basketball?
A10) Basketball.
Here’s a thought …
“The joke is that people think of me as an intellectual actor. Yet I have always trusted almost entirely to observation, emotion and instinct.”
John Gielgud, 14 April 1904 – 21 May 2000.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yeah: I think I’ve got them book marked, Olga: I’ll be keeping an eye peeled, I know that.   As for the flash drive … ?   I’m kicking myself for falling for it: it seems to be a very common scam, by the look of things.   There’s similar ones on both Ebay and Amazon.   The thing that had me fooled was simply the capacity of the things: as I’m sure you’ve realised, most sticks, these days, are anything up to about sixty-four gigabytes for that sort of price.   Oh, well, I can at least keep an eye peeled!   If you can spread the word around, that would be appreciated … !

†        It’s the template I use, Trevor: I try and make sure it’s changed, as and when, but sometimes miss.   I MAY have to update it … (OK … define early part of the 20th century … )

‡        The Easter egg, you mean?   I’ll have to eat the thing at some point, Debbi: once I’ve found white sweet potatoes … or brown rice!   Obviously not with the Easter egg!   I might be able to do something with that and some chicken … !


  1. Yes certainly early part of 20th Century.

    A1 Khalsa

    A2 Pious

    A3 Julius Caesar

    A4 Kentucky

    A5 Lewis Marc Capaldi

  2. Q1) Khalsa
    Q2) The Pious
    Q3) Julius Caesar
    Q4) Kentucky
    Q5) Lewis Capaldi. I was going to say I don’t know him, but checking, it seems that he’s become known at around the time when I was spending more time here than in the UK, and I haven’t followed the music scene very much anywhere since my move, so…
    Good luck with the shopping trip. Coming back after a holiday (even if it wasn't much of a real holiday) there are always queues. Take care.

  3. There you go! :) Easter kind of came and went without much fanfare at our place!

    1. Khalsa
    2. Pious
    3. Julius Caesar
    4. Kentucky
    5. Lewis Capaldi


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