
Thursday 16 April 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16th April, 2020.

16th April, 2020.

Yes: I am bored … 

Radically bored … 

Bored in a way that involves been boringly bored in a bored kind of way.


The sooner the Corona virus lockdown is over, the happier I — and the rest of the country, frankly! — will be.


On a slightly pleasant front … ?

I — occasionally — do phone interviews for the Office of National Statistics: the UK’s statistics body.

I did one recently: themed — inevitably — around the current crisis.

It took about fifteen (15) minutes.

And earn me thirty quid: as an Amazon gift voucher.

£30 worth of free stuff from Amazon can’t be bad.

Even if Amazon’s going to take ages to deliver!


Right at the moment?

I’m concerned about charities.

I think some — ones like veterans charity, Help for Heroes and the various charities that support NHS hospitals like Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital — really shouldn’t exist.

As the causes are funded by our tax money.   The government should be doing a better job of using our money to fund them.

We shouldn’t have to pay extra for them.

So, seeing 99 year old veteran, Captain Tom Moore, doing a sponsored walk around his garden, to raise £1000 for the NHS — and raising £12 million as a result — leaves me feeling conflicted.

Raising that money’s the government’s job, not a retired captain who’s earned the right to have a sit down!

The walk … ?   And the money he’s raised?

Is STILL one hell of an achievement.

But, even so!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor†, Tulsi85‡  and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga, Trevor and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Tulsi on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 16th April is World what Day: World Voice Day, World Sight Day or World Hearing Day?
Q2) 16th April is the feast day of Saint Drogo of Sebourg.   He was born in Flanders: in what’s now which country?
Q3) Conservative MP, Harvey Proctor, appeared in court on charges of Indecency: on 16th April, 1987.   Which constituency did he represent at the time?
Q4) The Treaty of Accession was signed on 16th April, 2003.   It admitted ten new members to what: the UN, NATO or the EU?
Q5) Finally … ?   16th April, 1889, saw the birth of Charlie Chaplin.   His best known stage persona was that of the … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 15th April is World Art Day.   It was first held in which year: 2011, 2012 or 2013?
A1) 2012.
Q2) The date was chosen to honour which artist?
Q3) That artist’s best known painting was of Lisa del Gherardini.   The painting’s also known as what?
A3) The Mona Lisa.
Q4) Is a painting two dimensional or three dimensional?
Q5) The worlds oldest known painting is on a cave wall, where: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea or the Seychelles?
A5) Indonesia.   (On the island of Borneo.)
Q6) Painting is one of five historical fine arts.  Which of the others involves buildings?
Q7) Pottery is another fine art.   Pottery items are usually made of what: stone, metal or clay? 
A7) Clay.   (Occasionally?   You need a sagger maker’s bottom knocker … )
Q8) Before being finished, pottery has to be fired: in which K?
A8) A kiln.
Q9) Music is a fine art.   Most Western music has notes arranged into seven note … what?
A9) Scales.
Q10) Finally … ?   Which ‘P’ is a fine art: prose, poisoning or poetry?
A10) Poetry.
Here’s a thought …
“All I need to make a comedy is a park, a policeman and a pretty girl.”
Charlie Chaplin, 16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977.
And, as a nod to the seriously ill, Spike Milligan …?

Thisª … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Thanking YOU, Olga, you’re an angel!   I can’t wait!   (We’re going too have introduce Trevor and Debbi to the Ministry.)   The medication’s in, by the way.   Now all I have to do?   Is try to find the right type of sweet potato!   (The irony?   Sainsbury ’s are offering me a lot of Nectar points if I buy some.   But don’t actually have any … !)

†        I’m glad you clarified that, Trevor!

‡        Welcome aboard, Tulsi85, and thank you for commenting!   I hope you’d like to stick around.   Enjoy the day.

^        Always and ever, Debbi?   At any rate … ?   You’ve got some files coming over: it’ll help with Spanish … !

ª        ENTEEEER BLUEBOTTLE!   *Waits for applauseº … *

º        As usual, not a sausage …


  1. You know, Olga, beans could be an issue: the diabetes medication really does make you fart!

  2. Q1) World Voice Day
    Q2) France
    Q3) Billericay in Essex
    Q4) To the EU
    Q5) The Tramp. I’m reading a book on Hollywood series and he makes an appearance (yes, his proclivity for young girls is well-known, but his politics had more to do with his problems in the US, I’m sure).
    Yes, I know what you mean about beans, although I think it also depends on what you combine them with.
    I’m experimenting using a site called Quizlet, which I was introduced to during the course, and it’s good to create quizzes for students. So far I’m creating some basic vocabulary ones (my brain is not up to much these days), both in Spanish and English. When I learn more about it and I have a bit of a collection, I’ll share. (It’s a very easy site to use, and the free version is OK. It also allows for quite a few options, but I’m still learning about those). Kahoot is good for setting up quizzes for students as well (you might want to check it out, as it allows the inclusion of videos, images, all kinds of things), but it’s more difficult to use, as it requires somebody to set it up and everybody to join and play at the same time (there is an option that allows players to use it on their own, but it does require to have a paid account, although I think at the moment it’s free for teachers). Your teaser got me thinking about those…

  3. A1 World Voice Day

    A2 Flanders is now part of Belgium. ( St. Drogo was born in Epinoy which on his page in Wikipedia is both in Flanders (main text) and France (side text). Very confusing.

    A3 Billericay

    A4 EU

    A5 The Tramp

  4. *applause* *applause* *applause*

    How's that then? :)

    1. World Voice Day
    2. Belgium
    3. Billericay
    4. the EU
    5. The Little Tramp

    Thanks for the files. I look forward to watching them! :)


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