
Sunday 19 April 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-4-2020: Ne-ne-ne-Nineteen!

19th April, 2020.

Yes: life under lockdown goes on: in all its joys, glories, ups, downs and … whatever else.

Stuff happens.

As does life.

As does … well … 

Possible tripping hazards.

I’m on Instagram, in case you didn’t know.

And had a couple of apparent young women follow me: young women who looked very similar.

Both of whom messaged me, fairly quickly.

With heart enough identical messages.

One — the one called Bellakumesnancy — was pretty honest: she ‘wanted to chat me up …’

And offered to send me picture … 

So long as she could send them to me on Google Hangouts … 

Which is where I politely said I didn’t trust, believed she was a scammer … 

And blocked her … whilst simultaneously deleting the chat.

I think I’ve just managed to avoid being cat-fished.

Debbi?    I think we have one for Sam … !


Just as a quick thought … ?

I am knackered … after a late night blog post: about the last two episodes of classic Dr Who story, The Faceless Ones.

You can read about it, here: or watch the video version.

I do know this much.

The Pauline Collins character is called Samantha.

So why Patrick Troughton calls her Sarah, at one point, I don’t know.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Today is 19th April.   Is 19 a prime number?
Q2) Is 19 an even number?
Q3) What’s 19: written out in binary.
Q4) How do we write 19: in hexadecimal?
Q5) At the time of writing, the world is going through the Corona virus outbreak.   The virus is known as what 19?
Q6) In an old Islamic tradition, there are 19 angels overseeing what … ?
Q7) Which Chinese game is usually played on a 19*19 grid?
Q8) If you’re at the 19th hole, you’re in a golf club … what?
Q9) Who wrote the book, Nineteen Minutes?
Q10) In one card game, the maximum score is 29.   In the same game, there is no card combination that scores 19.   Which card game?   (This is possibly a tough one …)
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Today is the 18th April.   Is 18 odd or even?
A1) Even.
Q2) Is 18 a prime number?
A2) No.
Q3) What’s 18, divided by 9?
A3) Two.   2.
Q4) It’s 18:00 hours on a twenty-four hour clock.   What is the time: on a 12 hour clock?   (It’s )
A4) 6pm: 6 o’clock in the evening.
Q5) On the Periodic Table?   Group 18 chemicals are the what gases?
A5) Noble gases.
Q6) 18 is the UK’s highest film classification.   It means you have to be what, to see the film: 18 or over, or 18 and under?
Q7) The 18 certificate replaced the what certificate?
A7) The X certificate.
Q8) Android 18 is a character in the Dragon Ball manga series.   Dragon Ball comes from which east Asian country?
A8) Japan.
Q9) Tiger Woods, Francesco Molinari and Nick Faldo have all played which 18 holed sport?
A9) Golf.
Q10) Finally … ?   The 18th Street Gang is a transnational gang that has its origins in which US city?
Here’s a thought …
“In English speech, the numbers 19 and 90 are sometimes confused, as they sound very similar.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the number 19.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It sounds like you’ve got a flat in an interesting area!   A bit like a large version of Windmill Bridge.   It’s an old thing built by Isambard Kingdom Brunel: a road bridge, on top of a canal bridge … that both go over a railway line!   As for mentioning selfies … ?   I knew someone at KFC who was notorious for them.   She’s not done many on Instagram!

†        Now, now, Trevor!   Olga and Debbi might JUST accuse golfers of sexism, there!   (Exactly how many of the regulars at the Hutton played?   I know Pete the landlord, did … )

‡        He was a legend, Debbi!   Actually?   Did you and Trevor read my bits about The Faceless Ones?   Patrick Troughton calls Pauline Collins the wrong name!


  1. Your Maths again. Three people got all the answers right but you only counted two.

    Ah Windmill Bridge brings back memories. I lived in Boston Manor with my first wife Anita and we would often take a walk there. It was through Boston Manor Park on to the tow-path of the Grand Union canal. Then the walk up the stair case of locks at Hanwell and on to Windmill bridge. If one walk much further along the canal one left England and entered Southall.

    A1 Yes Prime number

    A2 No Odd number

    A3 10011

    A4 13 (it is 23 in Octal which I used on the first computer that I programmed back in 1966.)

    A5 Covid-19

    A6 Hell

    A7 Go

    A8 Club House ( I think Women are now allowed in Club Houses)

    A9 Jodi Picoult

    A10 Cribbage

  2. Q1) Yes
    Q2) No
    Q3) 10011
    Q4) 13
    Q5) COVID-19
    Q6) Hell
    Q7) Go
    Q8) Bar, pub, restaurant, or usually the clubhouse
    Q9) Jodi Picoult (I’ve read it and it was quite interesting).
    Q10) Cribbage (?)
    It seems you spotted an inconsistency. Perhaps they changed the name of the character at some point and forgot to make the adjustments (it’s an easy mistake to do) although it’s more likely that the actor was thinking about something else and nobody spotted it. I remember seeing videos about a particular episode of Supernatural, where one of the actors called his partner by his real name rather than by the character’s name more than once in an episode. I guess he was having a particularly tough day! (It might also come from spending so much time with a person).
    I also read something else about the Ministerio. Something about changing the setting, and also that Julian said, when they asked him, that people had seen "his grave" but they hadn't seen him die... Well, if that's not a clue!
    It seems tomorrow's episode is a very short one, though.

  3. I saw it. Yeah! Also saw an original scene on YouTube. Cool! :)

    1. yes
    2. no
    3. 10011
    4. 13
    5. Covid
    6. Hell
    7. Go
    8. lounge or bar
    9. Jodi Picoult
    10. cribbage


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