
Monday 20 April 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20-4-2020: George Takei

20th April, 2020.

There are times when I get earworms: songs that seem to persistently stuck in my head.

There was, when I woke up, this morning.

Not with the song playing through my head.


I head the question!

How exactly DO you solve a problem like Maria?


I can’t see poking her with a stick, working!


Oh … 

Did I mention I’ve decided to catalogue my book collection?

I’ve decided to catalogue my book collection: just so you know.

It’s made me realise one thing: I’ve got a lot of gaps, there!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 20th April saw the birth of actor, George Takei.   In which year?
Q2) In which US city?
Q3) George’s current middle name was originally his first name.   What is that middle name?
Q4) Who’s George’s husband?
Q5) Finally … ?   Who did George play in Star Trek?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Today is 19th April.   Is 19 a prime number?
A1) Yes.
Q2) Is 19 an even number?
A2) No.
Q3) What’s 19: written out in binary.
A3) 10011.   (The subscript number two tells us the number it’s attached to, is a binary number.   There are other applications for subscript numbers.)
Q4) How do we write 19: in hexadecimal?
A4) 13.
Q5) At the time of writing, the world is going through the Corona virus outbreak.   The virus is known as what 19?
A5) Covid 19.
Q6) In an old Islamic tradition, there are 19 angels overseeing what … ?
A6) Hell.
Q7) Which Chinese game is usually played on a 19*19 grid?
A7) Go.
Q8) If you’re at the 19th hole, you’re in a golf club … what?
A8) Golf course bar.
Q9) Who wrote the book, Nineteen Minutes?
Q10) In one card game, the maximum score is 29.   In the same game, there is no card combination that scores 19.   Which card game?
A10) Cribbage: also called Crib.
Here’s a thought …
“I’ve run the marathon several times, so I definitely don’t look like the Great Ancestor!”
George Takei.
And a trailer …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I think it’s a requirement, Trevor: a few golf clubs have realised they could get sued!

†        Yeah: I get the feeling it’s a common enough thing, Olga: and usually something that’s corrected, post haste!   I think the reason this one didn’t?   Was simply time constraints.   Back then, Dr Who — in between the Unions and management — only had so much time in the studios.   It wouldn’t surprise me is it’s the same, over here.   Hmmm … I’m not seeing anything on HBO’s site … the UK showing’s could be in trouble!   Wasn’t Julian’s grave in the opening episode of season three?   That was, technically, when he died.   Or died the first time … (Actually, one of our local pubs has a book swap table out side, at the moment: I think there’s a Jodi Picoult, there.)

‡        It’s quite a story, Debbi!   Practically an SF murder mystery.   With Colin Gordon and Wanda Ventham, I hope you notice!   (If it looks like science fiction, and acts like science fiction, Wanda Ventham’s in there somewhere!)


  1. A1 1937

    A2 Los Angeles California

    A3 Hosato

    A4 Brad Altman

    A5 Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu

  2. Q1) 1937
    Q2) Los Angeles
    Q3) Hosato
    Q4) Brad Altman
    Q5) Hikaru Sulu, the helmsman
    I might be wrong, but I think the showing is online rather than on TV (or perhaps both). Sorry, I've checked now and it's definitely on RTVE web from 14:00 (here, that I think should be 13 hours there...).
    I'm not sure if you'll be able to watch it, although I'm sure they'll upload it to their YouTube or will be shared elsewhere. Perhaps HBO will stream it as extra content when the series starts, but I think it's only 10 minutes.

  3. I did notice Number 2 in there! :)

    "A police box???" :)

    1. 1937
    2. Los Angeles
    3. Hosato
    4. Brad Altman
    5. Hikaru Sulu


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