
Monday 6 April 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th April, 2020.

6th April, 2020.


It’s a Monday!

That’s scamper around our front rooms, joyously dancing and singing … 

I’m bing (mildly) ironic, of course.

I’m not going to dance around my front room: anyone walking past my window could see me!


Did anyone — in the UK and Commonwealth, at least — catch the Queen’s message, last night?

That was … 

I’m not going to use the word inspirational, here: I’d rather not sound like a deranged Motivational Speaker.

But it was nice to see: as was the reference to that Vera Lyn song.


Just as final point … ?

You’re possibly aware that there’s some bloody stupid ideas doing the rounds.

Including the ones that says the Corona virus is caused by 5g towers.

Indeed, here in the UK, we’ve seen 5g phone masts attacked because of it.

As a response?

The UK government has summoned representatives of various tech firms: to see what can be done.

Whether that will stop idiots knackering the mobile phone networks?

I don’t know!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 6th April is National Beer Day, in the US.   It’s marks the repeal of what?
Q2) The Church of Christ was formally organised by Joseph Smith: on 7th April, 1830.   The Couch, and it’s descendants, are known as the Latter Day … whats?
Q3) 6th April, 1812, saw British troops attack the fortress of Badajoz.   Badajoz is in which European country?
Q4) 6th April, 1926, saw the birth of comics book artist and writer, Gil Kane.   He worked on the Green … what?
Q5) Finally … ?   6th April, 1944, saw the birth of opera singer, Felicity Palmer.   Is she a contralto or mezzo soprano?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 5th April, 2020, is Palm Sunday.   The day is part of which Christian feast: Christmas, Easter or Whitsun?
A1) Easter.
Q2) The Mayflower left port on 5th April, 1621.   Which port: Plymouth, Massachusetts or Plymouth, England?
Q3) 5th April, 1867, saw the birth of Ernest Lewis: a noted player of what?
A3) Tennis.
Q4) The La Belle was bombed on 5th April 1986.   Where was it: East Berlin, Hamburg or West Berlin?
A4) West Berlin.
Q5) Finally … ?   Noted karateka, Motobu Chōki, was born on 5th Apro;, 1870.   As a karateka, he practised which marshal art: Karate, Judo or Ecky-thump?
A5) Karate.
Here’s a thought …
“Multimedia? As far as I’m concerned, it’s reading with the radio on”
Rory Bremner, born 6 April 1961.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, VERY clever, Trevor!   They’re upside down … !

†       So, hang on, Olga, they’re doing a 70% cut across the board?   That’s going to hit the less well paid, hard!   But, you’re right, it’s a better publicity move.   Is the Spanish government doing something like the Furloughed Worker’s scheme?   That could be bloody handy for the support staff!  Either way … ?   Goof luck for tomorrow.   And here’s hoping the Lamborghini owner buys a sensible car.   Like a blooming’ Citroen!!   (I was thinking of a haircut on the Monday before the lockdown went into place.   Am I kicking myself … ?)

‡        Actually, the show in question, The Crystal Maze, has been revived, Debbi: with Richard Ayoade as the presenter.   I’ve not caught it, just yet.   I’ll have to see if it’s on Channel Four’s catchup service.   (Oh, it’s National Beer Day … )


  1. Do not give me ideas. they were not "upside down" . They were in "reverse order".

    Funny that you should pick music by Ian Dury. Back in the late 1970 when i worked in the Computer department of Redland Roof Tiles one of the girls I worked with said that i was the "Living Reincarnation" of a living pop star. That pop star she said was Ian Dury.

    A1 6th April is New Beer’s Eve. 7th April is National Beer Day . It repealed the ban on sale of low alcohol beers and wines. Every thing under 3.2% Alcohol became legal. It was a partial repeal of the Volstead Act (Also known as National Prohibition Act )

    A2 Saints

    A3 Spain

    A4 Lantern

    A5 Mezzo Soprano

    Also you had better check your other questions for Spelling and date used.

  2. Hi, Paul. I survived lesson 3. Only one more to go on Wednesday before I've finished the course requirements (if assignment 4 is OK, but I should hear later). No, that was only FC Barcelona, and the 70%, according to them, was only meant to apply to the players of the first team (they have quite a number of teams, including a women's football team), because that way they were supposed to keep the pay for the rest of the workers (or apply smaller cuts). I'm not sure what other teams were doing. The government have talked about a lot of measures, but the application seem to lag behind. We shall see...

  3. I'm listening to the Queen! She's wonderful! :) I ... won't say more. :) *bites tongue*

    1. Prohibition
    2. Saints
    3. Spain
    4. Lantern
    5. mezzo soprano


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