
Monday 11 May 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11-5-2020: Minnesota

11th May, 2020.

Yes: I think I’ve managed to avoid Boris Johnson’s big speech about Lockdown, and the Road Plan.

This is the one time I’m glad I’m not working: the last job I had was in Chelmsford.

Boris telling us to bicycle, or walk, to work?   Would’ve been impractical!

It’s … 

Well, I’m glad I’m feeling knackered.

Frankly, Penny Dreadful: City of Angels was a better option.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Minnesota joined the USA: on 11th May of which year?
Q2) In doing so, it became which state to do so: the 31st, 32nd or 33rd?
Q3) Which mountain is Minnesota’s highest point?
Q4) Minnesota’s lowest point is at Lake … where?
Q5) What’s Minnesota’s capital?
Q6) What’s Minnesota’s largest city?
Q7) That city was also home to the artist formerly known as whom … ?
Q8) Shabtai Zisel ben Avraham was born in Duluth, Minnesota.   He’s better known how?
Q9) The 1996 film, Fargo, was set in Minnesota.   It was written by which set of siblings?
Q10) Finally … ?   The Minnesota Timberwolves play what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Horch & Cie. Motorwagenwerke AG was founded: on 10th May, 1904.   It’s now better known as which car company: Audi, Mercedes Benz or Daimler?
A1) Audi.
Q2) 10th May, 1933, saw public book burnings arranged.   By whom: the Italian Fascists, the Nazis or the Spanish Falange?
A2) The Nazis.
Q3) 10th May, 1940, saw the UK invade where: Iceland, Greenland or Vanuatu?
A3) Iceland.
Q4) 10th May, 1962, saw the first appearance of which rather angry comic book character?
A4) The Incredible Hulk.
Q5) Finally … ?   10th May, 1899, saw the birth of which dancer?
Here’s a thought …
“I was born in 1940 in Minnesota and grew up in the country … dirt roads, swamps, lakes, woods.”
Noted Anglophile, Terry Gilliam.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*      Oh, gods, Eurovision!   I think I know what you mean, Olga!   Either way, I think it’s a shame this year’s competition has been cancelled: I’d’ve put money on Russia!

†        Happy birthday if I miss it, Trevor!   (We’ll have to see if we can persuade David to be the official Stunt Trevor for today.)

‡        El Ministerio del Tiempo, you mean, Debbi?   You’re in for a treat!   It’s frustrating, the fourth season’s started airing in Spain, but not internationally!   Arrrggghhh!   Oh, so you know?   Alonso, Nacho Fresnada’s character?   Is El Ministerio equivalent to Gwen Cooper in Torchwood: the show’s emotional core.   The squad’s technically called the Strength and Honour squad.   And Angustias, Salvador’s PA?   Don’t let her sing!   Julián’s literally an Everyman … oh … and there’s more than one time-travelling Amelia …


  1. Q1) 1858
    Q2) 32nd
    Q3) Eagle Mountain
    Q4) Lake Superior
    Q5) Saint Paul
    Q6) Minneapolis
    Q7) Prince
    Q8) Shabtai Zisel ben Avraham was born in Duluth, Minnesota. He’s better known how? Bob Dylan (at first I thought this was the answer to the question above but thanks for clarifying). The name situation always makes me think about this scene of friends with Phoebe changing her name
    And a patient of mine, quite mad, for sure, who would regularly change his name to ‘James Bond’ ‘Diamonds’ (because diamonds are a girl’s best friend), etc. The problem was that, of course, when he did it officially, that would mean having to submit paperwork and his benefits being stopped for a while. Eventually, his solicitor told him it was OK to just inform people of the change of name verbally, and that saved us a lot of hassle. (We also had patients who would forever be changing religion, but I think part of that was to be able to request a special diet, until they eventually discovered the new diet wasn’t any better, only different).
    Q9) The Cohen Brothers
    Q10) Basketball
    Thanks for sharing the video of the Russian Eurovision Song! Fabulous! And not bad for exercising either! Who said Russians didn't have a sense of humour?
    I hope Debby enjoys el Ministerio, and if you can pass my birthday best wishes to Trevor for... whenever...
    Oh, and well done on the mash!

  2. Sounds interesting! I'm looking forward to watching more.

    1. 1858
    2. 32nd
    3. Eagle Mountain
    4. Superior
    5. Saint Paul
    6. Minneapolis
    7. Prince
    8. Bob Dylan
    9. the Coen Brothers
    10. basketball


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