
Sunday 3 May 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-5-2020: Bing

3rd May, 2020.

It’s officially official: I’ve scraped together enough money to buy … 

A pot!

Yes, I know that’s trivial: but it don’t half help with cooking vegetables.   I can microwave one lot, while boiling the others.

Plus, of course, I couldn’t see the type I wanted in Sainsbury’s.


It’s a saucepan: with two pouring spouts, one on each side of the pot.

I’m fussy about this sort of thing: because I’m left handed.

A pan with two spouts, like an electric kettle with see-through measures on both sides?

Is a must-have.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Trevor† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 3rd May saw the birth of American singer, Bing Crosby.   In which year?
Q2) What — according to his birth certificate — was Bing’s first name: Harry, Barry or Gary?
Q3) Bing, Al Rinker and Harry Barris formed a band called what: the Melody Men, Rhythm Boys or Tempo Team?
Q4) Bing’s best known song, White Christmas, was written by whom?
Q5) Finally … ?   Bing invested heavily in a company called Ampex.   Ampex made what: record players, golf carts or tape recorders?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The city of Portsmouth received its first Royal Charter.   On 2nd May of which year?
A1) 1194.
Q2) From which English King: Richard 1st, Richard 2nd or Richard 3rd?
A2) Richard 1st.
Q3) That King was a what: Tudor, Stuart or Plantagenet?
Q4) Is Portsmouth mentioned in the Domesday Book: yes or no?
A4) No.
Q5) Portsmouth’s in which English county?
A5) Hampshire.
Q6) Portsmouth is home to the UK’s Senior Service: the oldest of Britain’s armed forces.   What IS the Senior Service?
A6) The Royal Navy.   (The name is also used by a noted brand of cigarette.   Harry Sullivan, played by the late Ian Marter, was Dr Who’s only Navy character.)
Q7) Much of Portsmouth in on which island?
Q8) Portsmouth FC plays in Portsmouth.   What’s the name of Their home ground?
Q9) Which engineer was born in Portsmouth in 1806?
Q10) Finally … ?   Which Goon was born in Portsmouth’s Southsea region?
Here’s a thought …
“Once or twice I’ve been described as a light comedian. I consider this the most accurate description of my abilities I’ve ever seen.”
Bing Crosby.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Apparently, Olga^, ‘Isambard’ was Isambard’s father middle name: Marc Brunel was a noted engineer, himself.   Did you ever see the Thames tunnel when you were in London?   That was one of Marc’s.   As for the War … ?   Computer game or otherwise, some of the video technology was … mildly scary.   A lot of it’s been improved … and, thankfully, has other uses: I think a lot of it is used for weather monitoring!   Hmmm … Fit … !   Oy!

†        You know, I wish I’d know that the last time I did a set about The number’s 21 or 18, Trevor, that could’ve come in handy.   I can possibly use then the next time I cover the subject.   (A handbell?   Oy … )

‡        That he was, Debbi!   Oh, I’ve got Moonraker on order, so you know: the novel, rather than the movie.   One or two Prisoner fans I’ve met, over the years, mention it whenever The Girl Who Was Death gets talked about.   (Strictly speaking, it’s called the Royal Navy, but as it’s you … !)

^        Oh, the LAST Horseman, Ronnie Soak?   Became a milkman … 


  1. A1 1903

    A2 Harry

    A3 The Rhythm Boys

    A4 Irving Berlin

    A5 tape recorders

    Back to my old English law there was "The man on the Clapham omnibus". This was the definition of a reasonable person. Women hardly existed in commercial law as they were considered "Chattels" belonging to their Husbands.

  2. Q1) 1903
    Q2) Harry
    Q3) Rhythm Boys
    Q4) Irving Berlin
    Q5) tape recorders
    I hadn't heard about Crosby's business acumen. I knew he'd died in Spain, though.
    I've read about the Thames Tunnel but never been there. In fact, I read quite a good novel where the tunnel plays a big part. Here is my review:
    And you've reminded me I have the third novel in the series on my list to read...

  3. Just a couple of things. I don't know if you've seen it yet, but it seems the fourth season of el Ministerio del Tiempo starts this Tuesday, the 5th of May in the evening (22:40) here. Here is a news item and the trailer. Not sure you'll be able to watch the video there, but I hope so.

  4. Cheers, Olga: I am seriously going To have to go on the hunt!

  5. Oops! Sorry! I was going by the Internet. Wikipedia to be exact! :)

    1. 1903
    2. Harry
    3. the Rhythm Boys
    4. Irving Berlin
    5. tape recorders


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