
Monday 4 May 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-5-2020: Dave Brubeck Day

4th May, 2020.

Right … I’m tired … again … 

But then … ?

I was watching the second episode of Penny Dreadful: City of Angels, last night.

Which is looking on a par with the original series, it has to be said!

As good as it’s looking … ?

I was up ’til half one, doing the video … !


As for the noise I heard, recording the video intro … ?

Turns out it was the bin-men: the chaps emptying my buildings bins.

At least, it was one set of bin men.

I can only hope they were getting the recycling: it’s getting full … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 4th May is informally known as Dave Brubeck Day in the US: as the date in US format resembles the time signature of which Dave Brubeck Quartet song?
Q2) What is that time signature?
Q3) Brubeck was born in which US state?
Q4) 1954 saw Brubeck appearing on the cover of which magazine?
Q5) Finally … ?   Brubeck originally recorded for which label: Fantasy, Columbia or CBS?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 3rd May saw the birth of American singer, Bing Crosby.   In which year?
A1) 1903.
Q2) What — according to his birth certificate — was Bing’s first name: Harry, Barry or Gary?
A2) Harry.
Q3) Bing, Al Rinker and Harry Barris formed a band called what: the Melody Men, Rhythm Boys or Tempo Team?
A3) The Rhythm Boys.
Q4) Bing’s best known song, White Christmas, was written by whom?
Q5) Finally … ?   Bing invested heavily in a company called Ampex.   Ampex made what: record players, golf carts or tape recorders?
Here’s a thought …
“I’m always hoping for the nights that are inspired where you almost have an out of body experience.”
Dave Brubeck.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That was a century or two ago, Trevor … !

†        In Spain?   Good lord, that’ll teach me to read these things, Olga!   At ANY rate … ?   I’d come to the same conclusion, myself: it’s going to be a while before the Ministerio hit’s the UK.   I know I’m seeing nothing on HBO’s home page!   They are heavily adverting their version of Watchmen, though.   Hmmm … The Ministry leaving Netflix could be causing issues!   (Oh, did I mention Penny Dreadful?   In last night’s episode, one character wants to call a priest for his dying brother.   Apparently the priest is Father Núñez.   How big IS your family, Olga?   :D  )

‡        That’s weird, Debbi, it said something different when I looked!


  1. Q1) Take Five (I love it).
    Q2) 54 time
    Q3) California
    Q4) Time
    Q5) Fantasy
    Oh, I'm not sure about the Netflix situation. I guess they must not have been forthcoming funding a coproduction of the next series and HBO showed an interest. I know HBO had made the other three series available (at least in HBO Spain) but not everything goes in sync, and I guess if they want to use subtitles or dub the series (not sure what they plan to do), it might be more complicated right now than it would have been before. Let's wait and see.
    Perhaps you need to change your habits with regards to watching the telly or making the videos, but whatever works for you (I also prefer to watch last thing in the evening if I watch anything, but I disconnect completely for the evening before that).

  2. Hmm ... what looked different? :) Huh, what? lol

    1. Take Five
    2. 5/4
    3. California
    4. Time
    5. Columbia


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