
Sunday 14 June 2020

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14th June, 2020.

14th June, 2020.

Right …

Blogger hasn’t let me upload the intro directly to today’s post …

So I’ve just spent five minutes uploading it to YouTube, so I can make use of the embed code.

Happy, moi?



At ANY rate … ?

I was going to tell you about the riots last night, in London: led by far-right activist determined to ‘protect statues,’ in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests.

Those?   Recent Black Lives Matter protest have been relatively peaceful.

Frankly?   I think last night’s disturbances were motivated by racism … no, scrub that, know they were motivated by racism.

Especially as I’ve seen posts from far-right activist, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon — the coward who hides behind the name Tommy Robinson — float across my Facebook timeline.

The person who reposted that got de-friended and blocked.

I’m not having idiots* like Yaxley Lennon floating across my timeline.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor†,Olga‡, and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 14th June, 1158, saw the founding of which German city: Munich, Berlin or Düsseldorf?
Q2) 14th June, 1872, saw what legalised in Canada: cannabis, trade unions or voting for women?
Q3) 14th June, 1937, saw German forces occupy where: Paris, London or Guernsey?
Q4) 14th June, 1959, saw a monorail open in Anaheim, California.   By whom: Disneyland, Disney World or Disney Planet?
Q5) Finally … ?   14th June, 1919, saw the birth of director and actor, Sam Wanamaker.   He was involved in the rebuilding of which Shakespearean building?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 13th June saw the US Court rule in the case of Miranda vs Arizona: a ruling that means US police has to inform suspects of their rights.   13th June of which year of the 1960s?
A1) 1966.
Q2) One of those rights?   Is the right to remain … what?
A2) Silent.
Q3) That particular right is governed by which amendment to the US Constitution?
A3) The Fifth Amendment.
Q4) Under your Miranda rights, you’re allowed to have a lawyer, with you, whilst being what?
A4) Questioned.
Q5) Finally … ?   The lawyer Miranda rights allow you to consult is generally known as which A?
A5) An attorney, or attorney at law.   (The term — from what I know — isn’t much seen here in the UK.   Lawyers here are usually known as solicitors, who could advertise, and barristers, who couldn’t.   Barristers also couldn’t be hired by the client: a solicitor had to hire one for them.)
Here’s a thought …
“The desire to sacrifice an entire lifetime to the noblest of ideals serves no purpose if one works alone.”
Che Guevara, 14 June 1928 – 9 October 1967.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I would happily use far worse language: except I don’t want to offend people.

†        Oh, that POETS day, Trevor …

‡        Oh, yes, please, Olga!   I’d like to have a look at that!

^        Subject to interpretation, Debbi?   Your legal training’s showing … !   😀   As for the studios … ?   There’s dozens in London: and quite a lot across the UK.   Cardiff’s got a few.   There’s quite a few own by indie production companies that makes stuff for the BBC, ITV and Sky: who also own some of their own.   I believe Pinewood does some TV work, but don’t quote me.   And there’s still stuff done in Elstree.   There’s a lot of radio studios, as well.   If you get the bus from Brentwood to Chelmsford, you’ll go past BBC Radio Essex, to give you an example.   (Oh, I don’t know if it’s the same in the UD, but we had solicitors and barristers in the UK.   It used to be that barristers couldn’t advertise, but solicitors could.   I don’t know if that was quite mean solicitors could solicit, but there you go!)


  1. You forgot an important Studio that I used to live nea\r.

    A1 München

    A2 Trade Unions

    A3 only 3 years out young man. The Germans entered Paris in 1940.

    A4 Disneyland

    A5 The Globe Theatre

  2. Q1) Munich
    Q2) Trade Unions
    Q3) Paris
    Q4) Disneyland
    Q5) The Globe
    I'll share tomorrow! I must check the news. We've just been out for a walk, but I had heard and seen some of the footage from recent days. This is proving to be a very strange year all around, and it's only June.

  3. Fascinating how similar, yet different, our systems are. I think having barristers and solicitors is most interesting. Here any attorney can appear in court for a client. Some are better than others at that kind of thing. :)

    1. Munich
    2. trade unions
    3. Paris
    4. Disneyland
    5. Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

    Do they still wear the wigs? I've always found that very interesting.


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